Meet Lumi the 20kg dog who walks on his owners

Meet Lumi, the 20kg dog who walks on his owner’s back on the subway

Jackie Hornung, a woman living in New York City, has a dog who weighs more than 40 pounds and has gone viral on social media after sharing how she’s getting around subway rules that dictate that animals only are allowed to travel with their owners if they are locked in a carrier or in such a way that they do not disturb other passengers.

On the social network TikTok, the woman showed how she carried the dog Lumi of the Samoyed breed in a backpack, despite its size and amount of hair on her back.

“Dogs have to be in bags on the New York subway. That’s why he’s in a backpack,” he explains in the caption for the video, which has more than three million views.

Speaking to Newsweek magazine, Jackie said the animal, whose name means ‘snow’ in Finnish, is one and a half years old and ‘loves being carried in a backpack’, while remaining ‘pretty calm’.

Despite several comments warning which animal could be “crushed” in the backpack, the owner assured Lumi has “plenty of space.”

Watch Lumi’s video on the New York subway in the gallery above.

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