We knew the hen with the golden eggs, now we also have to consider the protected black-headed gull.
One Latvian will be remembered for a long time after being fined €50,000 for crushing the eggs of this rare bird.
That severe sanction was imposed by a judge in the Baltic state on Artis Krumins, who crushed a dozen eggs of this seagull after crossing a nest on its way back in spring 2021 on an island in the north of his country.
The case could have gone unnoticed had a local scientist, who was also doing research on the island at the same time, been unable to film Artis Krumins… and turn his images over to the authorities.
“I tried to calm the eggbreaker, but it became even more aggressive,” the scientist told the audience.
“He started using his oars, throwing the eggs in the air and hitting them,” he testified.
“These ten eggs cost more than pure gold!” “Protested in his defense against Mr Krumins’ lawyers, according to an article in local media Latvijas Avize.
Arguments that left Judge Lauris Shnepsts unmoved. The judge said it was a mistake to “compare the eggs of this protected wild species to a piece of shiny metal”.
“I hope this case will set a precedent for protecting wildlife in our country,” he told reporters after the verdict announced on Tuesday.