Do you think youre original if you get a video

Do you think you’re original if you get a video game hero tattoo? You’re wrong… –

Game News Do you think you’re original if you get a tattoo of a video game hero? You are wrong…

Published on 4/3/2023 at 7:03 am

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Although video games are largely democratized, they are still far from being as present in the so-called traditional media as other areas of culture such as cinema, literature or music. That has never stopped gamers from making their passion known, whether it be by writing on it or… tattooing their favorite characters.

The future tattooed ones first look for ideas on the internet

In some cultures, tattooing is still frowned upon or even completely taboo. In others, the action is part of everyday life, and countless accounts, TV shows or videosShare the best creations or, conversely, the worst. The masterpieces therefore rub shoulders with spelling mistakes indelibleand many tattoo artists reveal their daily lives, favorite techniques and work on social networks. Anything can become a possible tattoo, the video game does not escape practice and there are many people who tattoo a character, symbol, or reference to their favorite licenses or characters.

From Pokemon to Kratos pass fern and butterfly Covering the bite suffered by Ellie in The Last of Us or the Triforce from The Legend of Zelda and Corvo’s mask In Dishonored we find everything on the skin of the fans. Since the cost of a tattoo is not insignificant, it seems logical that those interested learn first deal with various research in social networks to flush out good ideas and possibly the address of a good artist.

We can therefore try to figure out which are the most popular tattoos related to video games based on research data. It is that These are amused to make online casino site analysts which, as the name suggests, specializes in ranking online casinos. The results submitted by Nerbot and Le Journal du Geek focus on the characters and must be included with caution from their origin.

Pokémon and Nintendo occupy the field!

However, they make it possible to detect a trend visualized by users’ searches Google, TikTok or Instagram. Simply put, hundreds of characters’ names have been paired with tattoo-related words. Not surprising, it’s Pikachu that dominates the leaderboard in all its forms with more than 10 million views monthly on TikTok, 33,900 views on Instagram and nearly 12,000 Google searches according to Online Casino. Next comes the Pokémon mascot Mario, Kratos, Kirby, Sonic, Ryu, Crash Bandicoot, Bowser, Yoshi and Spyrobut Nerdbot reports that Pokemon occupy much of the rest of rank.

We should also remember that the analysis focused on the characters, de facto to the exclusion of any other reference, more or less discreetly, to video games. The results appear to be fairly consistent with trends and what one would expect, but one should be very careful with one’s results. If the method is known The analysis lacks details and references. It must therefore be seen for what it is and not as the result of a long-term statistical survey carried out by dedicated organisations.

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