Men and women Chias opinion on the 4323 episode

Men and women: Chia’s opinion on the 4/3/23 episode

Guys, what the hell did we see today? men and women? No, seriously, but what the hell did we see?

Because I understand that today the attention is focused on the final of the Gf Vip 7 that everyone is waiting for nothing but to find out who will be the winner and then rush to the social networks to conspire to cheer or cry (at least for a few days). , at least. Then there’s Easter, the island begins and who’s seen has seen…), but we really couldn’t watch a more useless episode.

A series of speeches more redundant than unwanted hair (Hello Silvio, we miss you!), and not so much because of all the silly populism that spilled off the screen, but because there really wasn’t any point in opening certain debates a priori. Talking about NOTHING for an hour, literally.

After we saw it on Friday’s episode Armando incarnate greet that Will be because “I would like to have one like her, but in a different packaging!”, Today was the turn Richard Guarnieri who torpedoed it Valentina because “after an evening together, there was no longer any desire to see you again” and by Silvia Zanin who greeted that Mark because “at this moment in my life I am looking for serenity and calm and unfortunately he gave me the opposite. It’s not about the money, it’s about composure, your situation scares me, I’ve already been through it and I don’t want to anymore.”

And in the face of such arguments, that could be brave Gianni Sperti not dive for fish? Let alone! And in fact he immediately started his insults full of rhetoric and good feelings. “Is Richard The Armando they keep people who compliment them, only then do they keep them. But if you’re just looking for the packaging, just bring in the beautiful women if they ever come to you and keep them. You are looking for a beautiful woman without knowing her content!” he said to the two knights. “I find your speech of infinite sadness, you are a really empty woman. There are many people in Italy and around the world who don’t have jobs but have the right to be loved and to fall in love. Or is there a social class you are looking for and the other one isn’t?” he called out to the lady.

Then adding, “Do you know how many Mr Mark are there in Italy? I’m excited. You are material women who only think about material things, you want to settle down! That’s not part of love, but you don’t even remember what love is. In love, you don’t choose who you fall in love with, whether they have the money or not, you just fall in love!”.

And apart from the series of banalities, it draws applause (which I would then like to see them in their lives, how much are all these “two hearts with a meh case and a hut” with which they beat their chests, but someone else doesn’t care… ), I continue to claim that we haven’t talked about anything for an hour, because I think the point is different.

Assume that – to be perfectly honest – it would have to be said how they would have done it would have been criticized anyway (that when they do, people calling out to them immediately rebound with, “Uh, but how shallow you are But why don’t you give them a chance to make at least one ‘exit?’ when then instead they come out ‘eh but if you didn’t like it you had to eliminate it right away so you made fun of it! ‘) and that was pretty clear as the three walked the runway Armando, Richard And Sylvia They kept them for the series of random compliments they gave them, and certainly not because they were genuinely interested in getting to know them (especially the ones Zaninwho didn’t even do anything to hide a disgusted look on his face, that even children don’t stand in front of vegetables), the real issue here isn’t aesthetics or bank balance.

In my opinion, the reality is for them (and not only for them, eh… hello Gemmona!) is really NOTHING IMPORTANT. That is. Victoria’s Secret models and Arab sheikhs may arrive, but I have a feeling the crew members will ALWAYS find a reason why NOBODY will ever do well. is accurate Gemma Galgani – who complained for YEARS that she didn’t feel wanted by the men who just asked her to the trash Venturato because he wanted her too much – you can tell. All excuses, and not even too smart. We know her only interest well and no, it’s certainly not love.

The result? An episode so boring that if I had known about it beforehand I would have kept the bickering going Galgani It is a Tina Cipollati annoyed by the audience’s applause for the lady, which would certainly have been more convincing. That’s all to say. Luckily, in the end, this clip from The Secret of Puente Viejo saved us pepper And Tristan what… as you say they were Nicole Santinelli And Andrew Foriglio? Ah wow, that pathos and those sighs confused me!

hp Forigliostop it aunt: let’s do this, a factory tour Alex Belli, one of these days that there is an urgent need to make the script more believable if you want to get to the election. That even the man of the match would have avoided a diesel reaction like that false jealous dignity you were trying to play on us today, honey!

video from the episode: Whole episode – Tina: “Either me or Gemma!” – Valentina: “I didn’t want to come because Riccardo…” – Riccardo: “Valentina after our dinner…” – Silvia: “Marko, I want serenity and calm. And you…” – Outside of Nicole and Andrea – Nicole: “Andrea, you don’t get up and go…”

Unedited Videos: Nicole’s doubts!