A repeat offender pimp guilty of haggling his wife

A repeat offender, pimp guilty of haggling his wife

A repeat pimp was convicted of human trafficking on Wednesday for selling sex to his then-partner and prostituting him for about three months as far away as Ontario.

• Also read: A Quebec pimp has been arrested again

• Also read: 5 years for a 15 year old teenager’s pimp

The court found Joey-Brant Fournier guilty on seven of the nine charges against him of having prostituted a young woman, who was 23 at the time of the incident.

The victim, who was his new partner, knew his past, he who was serving a five-year sentence in another pimping case. Questioning him on the subject, the person explains how it works, particularly in terms of announcements and pricing.

If it was the plaintiff who wrote, published, and discussed the ads with customers, Judge Annie Trudel felt that the role of Joey-Brant Fournier, who was always present and collected the money raised, was no less important. in addition to the rape of the young woman.

“These elements indisputably show that the defendant took the applicant to offer sexual services,” the judge concluded.

To Ontario

The man went so far as to drive his victim to Mississauga, Ontario, over a period of several weeks to offer his services.

The judge said in her decision that Fournier woke his companion one morning and told her they were going for a drive. In the vehicle in pajamas, with no ID, the victim learned when they reached Trois-Rivières that they were going to Ontario.

Once on site, the duo rents a condominium where the young woman makes customers for several weeks, for five to six a day, which she didn’t want.

“She states that she doesn’t want to work as much but insists on him and forces him to do more,” the judge described, adding that it was “undeniable” that Fournier transported him there to “take control.” exercise about it.

The prostitution had continued in a motel room after her return to Quebec. The woman had decided to file a complaint when the man began spying on her and showed up at her new job.


This first file of this kind does not contain the pimp who was sentenced to five years in prison in 2020. He had been arrested in 2017 for soliciting a 15-year-old girl who ran away from a youth center. The young woman came branded with a red iron from her meeting with Fournier.

“She feels like a rag doll throughout the sexual intercourse with strangers who haggled over her body with the accused and his accomplice who disregarded her human dignity,” Judge Christian Boulet revealed at the time.

The perpetrator faces a long prison sentence again, as the penal code provides for a minimum sentence of four years for the charge of human trafficking. In addition to this misdemeanor, Fournier was also convicted of assault, harassment and human trafficking for profit.

He does, however, benefit from a conditional sentence on the charges of pimping and gaining advantage through the sale of sexual services in a judgment preventing multiple convictions, charges which join those related to human trafficking.

The case will be brought back to court in two weeks to set a date for sentencing. Joey-Brant Fournier remains in custody pending trial.

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