Christina Aguilera teases her fans with her oral sex advice

Christina Aguilera teases her fans with her oral sex advice and a fiery confession

Singer Christina Aguilera She doesn’t beat around the bush and at 42 she tackles any subject, when it comes to sex she’s an expert, she also boasts about her orgasms in four parts of the vagina which she advises on the subject of oral sex. Her goal is to inspire women to feel good about themselves, to talk about their experiences and to take responsibility for their bodies and their sexuality.

As for oral sex Christina Aguilera made a revealing confession Call Her Daddy Podcast.which could be considered inappropriate, the singer explained to sperm protein.

“Swallowing is really a good thing, it’s got a lot of protein. There’s something to be said after working hard,” he said horst inside podcast.

Sex Lessons with Christina Aguilera

the interpreter of Dirty She let loose with her sexual advice and stressed the importance of having someone to take advantage of, as sexuality is something very specific to her and what one person might like, another person might not.

“There are some guys who don’t like having their balls touched… and there are some guys who like brutal things happening to them,” the 42-year-old singer said of the difference in taste.

Christina Aguilera She continued with the revelations, thinking that she might have been “the last person to lose her virginity” without giving any further details about the experience, although she did admit to being close to some of the dancers. While on the run, she also shared the oddest places she’d had sex, including on a blanket-covered airliner, including in the shower and in a study leaning over the soundboard.

This is not the first time Xtina In an interview with People, she revealed that at 42, she knows her vagina so well that there are pleasure spots that are discovered as she gets older.

“There are four different places I can orgasm around my vagina, and that’s the truth,” the singer told People, adding that “vaginas are the epicenter of our well-being.”