Francisca Estévez, protagonist of the series “The First Time”, revealed unknown details of her life in SEMANA

Vicky a week

In Vicky en Semana, the 20-year-old actress revealed personal situations that have undoubtedly shaped her life.


There is one Netflix series these days that is quite celebrated. It’s about The First Time, a Colombian comedy interpreted by the actress Francisca Estévez, who is responsible for giving life to Eva.

In Vicky en Semana, actress Francisca Estévez, who is causing a lot of conversation these days with her leading role, revealed unknown details from her private life.

At first, the 20-year-old was pleased and surprised by the response this series has received. said, that To be part of this production he had to learn to smoke, something that no doubt cost him but that he had to make him participate in this cast.

“The audition said that the actress should know how to smoke, I didn’t smoke. The truth is I bought some cigarettes, went to my room and started practicing and practicing and my throat was on fire a lot. I was like ‘no, I’m not going to make it’. It had to look real, so I had to practice a lot before I could‘ the actress revealed in Vicky in Week.

That’s why he hopes to be able to do his high school diploma in the USA. He also starred in Vicky in Semana that her mother, actress Bibiana Navas, cried when she saw her role in the series The first time.

By the way, he told an episode unknown to many of his followers. According to Francisca Estevez, When she was born she was expelled.

“When I was born, there was a virus in the clinic. I was born premature at seven months so it was very easy for me to contract the virus in the clinic and the doctors told my mother that this virus kills all babies so they would let me “open” and take everything out. I mean a terrible thing. And they gave me about three days (to live). So they told my mother, ‘If Francisca doesn’t get better in three days, we’ll have to operate on her and she probably won’t survive it’”. Story.

“My mother is very spiritual and she started to pray, she asked a lot from her guides, her angels. Three days like this sent the best energy and the doctor came and after three days told him I was perfect now and I had nothing and they didn’t need to operate on me,” Estévez recalled in Vicky in Week.

“A lot of people have problems, it’s normal and it’s important that people know that about me and that I can help them in any way, then that; that they can feel closer to me in it I also have many things like insecurity, sometimes I’m very sad‘ he confessed to Vicky in Week.

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