The new coalition of dictatorships

Rare Iran-Saudi meeting in China to seal reconciliation

Iranian and Saudi foreign ministers met in Beijing on Thursday to implement the normalization of relations between the two Middle East powers after years of tensions.

Iranian Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and Saudi Faisal bin Farhane “negotiated and exchanged views, focusing on the official resumption of bilateral ties and steps to be taken to reopen the embassies and consulates of the two countries,” Iran’s foreign ministry said Affairs.

The two ministers “discussed bilateral issues as well,” he added.

Saudi Arabia and Iran surprised the world by announcing on March 10 that they would resume diplomatic ties within two months of secret talks in China.

Chinese state broadcaster CCTV on Thursday hailed “the first official meeting between the two countries’ foreign ministers in more than seven years,” a breakthrough made “with active mediation from China.”

This rapprochement between Iran and Saudi Arabia should allow them to reopen their embassies by mid-May and implement the economic and security cooperation agreements signed more than 20 years ago.

It was to be officially celebrated during a visit by Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi to Riyadh at the invitation of King Salman of Saudi Arabia, a trip planned after Ramadan at the end of April.

“Not slipped”

This climate of détente could have repercussions for several regional conflicts, particularly in Syria and Yemen, where the two countries support opposing factions.

The conclusion of the deal in Beijing in March marks China’s growing commitment to the Middle East, while the country has so far been reluctant to meddle in the region’s thorny issues.

Iran and Saudi Arabia thanked China in March “for hosting and supporting the talks” between them.

They also stressed the mediating role of Iraq and the Sultanate of Oman from spring 2021.

For its part, the United States “welcomed” the March 10 announcement, but stressed that “it remains to be seen whether Iran will live up to its commitments.”

“Since China is a strong supporter of Iran, Saudi Arabia should be reassured that Iran will respect the deal,” said Joel Rubin, a former US deputy assistant secretary of state.

Thursday’s meeting “suggests that the process has not slipped since Beijing’s announcement last month,” said Ali Vaez, Iran specialist at the International Crisis Group.

“But it’s still too early to say whether this is tactical relaxation or a step towards strategic rapprochement.”

Egypt and Bahrain

For some pundits, this deal could represent a paradigm shift that would challenge the traditional dominance of Washington, Iran’s sworn enemy, in the Middle East.

Israel, an ally of the United States and another opponent of Iran, is watching with concern this rapprochement between Ryad and Tehran, which could affect the Abraham Accords, the normalization process it has initiated with certain Arab countries.

In parallel with negotiations with Riyadh, Tehran is trying to renew ties with other capitals, which had reduced diplomatic ties in support of Saudi Arabia since 2016.

In recent months, the Emirates and Kuwait have resumed diplomatic relations with Iran. The process is underway with Bahrain, Egypt could follow.

On Tuesday, Tehran appointed an ambassador to Abu Dhabi after a nearly eight-year absence, while in August the Emirates announced the dispatch of an ambassador to Tehran with a stated desire to “strengthen” ties with Iran.