Youre annoying

You’re annoying!

When did you see more villains in Montreal? Michel Bergeron’s 31-point Nordiques? Maybe, but it was in Quebec.

I am fascinated as I read the texts of our brave war correspondents reporting on the activities of our Glorious, and I feel like weeping.

Been so depressing and sluggish in recent weeks that brave Beat reporters are finding it increasingly difficult to focus on journalism; They are almost forced into group therapy. They find excuses for it, they bend over injured people who are in no hurry to get out of their beds, and they try to find points of encouragement to give fans some oxygen.

Your Glorieux had 21 goals against the Detroit Red Wings. The time before it was 14 shots. There is a way to encourage yourself. It should be noted that the GLORIEUX improved their number of shots on goal by 33.3%.

They didn’t score more goals, but they started more. wow!

Worse is the captain who talks about motivation…

Let’s talk about motivation

I’ll tell you about old cases. Because they might shed a different light on what is going on with your loved ones.

A year ago, a long time ago, the Canadian was in a situation very similar to your charming Care Bears. The boys had no motivation to kill each other to win a game. Victory or defeat made no difference in the final standings.

Guy Lafleur, Jacques Lemaire, Pete Mahovlich, Serge Savard, Ken Dryden or Larry Robinson had won so many games that they would end the season with a 91 (NINETY-ONE!) point lead over the Detroit Red Wings in their Prince of Wales division . They would win 60 games, excluding overtime and shootouts, and accumulate 132 points.


fact that the motivation, they took it where? Since they could afford to lose without forcing themselves too much? Why did Guy Lafleur get high every time he was there? Why was the great Serge in Calvedos when the Canadian conceded three goals?

And why was Scotty Bowman, sitting on the street behind the bus, checking the NBA standings to make sure the Canadian had a better win-loss average than the Denver Nuggets?

Because they were proud. Because Scotty Bowman was paid to make them win, not run a daycare. Because Sam Pollock finished every game in a sweat because he wanted his team to win every game. Any period. Any presence.

Because they were winners. No losers.

have character

You don’t have to go back that far. Remember the last really good team to play in Montreal? With Patrick Roy in front of the gate, who didn’t want to know anything. With Mathieu Schneider, who was full of nose. With Carbo and his pig head. With Vincent Damphousse and his elegant talent. With Kirk Muller and Éric Desjardins, who would become the captain of the Philadelphia Flyers. Do you think Mario Roberge was always easygoing? Or Lyle Odelein, who drank more beer in one day than Michel Côté in Broue?

Do you think Serge Savard and Jacques Demers would have accepted such softness and carelessness?

are annoying. Yesterday a hockey geek defended them by pointing out that they lost several close games 4-3 or something like that.

It’s just the nature of losers to lose 4-3. When it gets tight, when you have to grit your teeth and make an extra effort, it becomes too painful. Well, what will losing a ninth straight game change? The day care center is happy, the teacher smiles and the headmistress has already announced that the day care center will remain open for the next two seasons.

A miracle can happen. Let her be really glorious in two years. No problem. We will write beautiful reports and beautiful inspired and inspirational chronicles and all electric Quebec will be happy. We shall see in time as in time.

In the meantime, they’re just annoying.

Great consolation prizes

It’s not all bad going into the game against the Washington Capitals.

I stress that the Caps players are furious at being left out of the playoffs as we go head-to-head with the poor Coyotes of Arizona in a race for absolute mediocrity in Montreal. laugh and have fun.

Still, the season has allowed Samuel Montembeault to show the entire National League that he has the skill and chest to hold the net for either team. Not necessarily number one, although we can’t tell, but certainly in a reliable and stable supporting role.

And the arrival of Rafaël Harvey-Pinard was a breath of fresh air in a group crushed by defeats and injuries. His enthusiasm and his will to win were not only good for the team, but above all for the fans, who found the evenings endless.

And he can give an interview to BPM Sports. Him.

patience and smile

After all, Martin St-Louis was able to keep patience and smile in a hopeless situation from the start. He doesn’t appear to be suffering from ulcers or depression and he’s not going to have a heart attack.

Michel Bergeron, he had a massive heart attack six months into that abominable season. But he drank too much coffee.

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