A pair of whales suffer a fierce attack from 30

A pair of whales suffer a fierce attack from 30 orcas and defend themselves for five hours hora7.r7.com

Summary of news

  • A group of 30 killer whales attack two giant gray whales.
  • The attack lasted about five hours.
  • The fight took place off the coast of California until the orcas gave up.

The attack by 30 orcas took place over five hours Reproduction/YouTube/Monterey Bay Whale Watch

A group of 30 orcas attacked a pair of adult gray whales off the coast of California, United States. The clash, which lasted about five hours, was recorded by a drone flying over the fierce attack.

The video, taken by Evan Brodsky, who was at sea with the Monterey Bay Whale Watch, recorded the 30 killer whales cornering the pair of giant gray whales and then charging in to eat them alive.

Clashes between these animals are fairly common, although killer whales will attack the young, who are much more vulnerable and defenseless. The attack is all the more unusual for being ‘early’ as the pups have not arrived at this point.

The orcas’ failed attempt lasted about five hours, according to Brodsky, who tracked it until the gray whales reached shallower water and the orcas eventually dispersed.

“Typically, killer whales prey on gray whale calves when they head out with their mothers to their northern feeding grounds. But they weren’t calves: they were huge adult gray whales! The stricken gray whales eventually reached shallow water and the orcas separated.” Brodsky wrote on Facebook after completing the onetime registration.

SEE ALSO: Orcas devour the livers, testicles and hearts of giant great white sharks