– It seems that after a few years of reduction, lamb shanks and ribs are back on four out of ten Italian tables this year. given synthetic meat.
– I don’t know what the important challenge awaits Stefan Feltri. But that you arrive toward tomorrow Emiliano Fittipaldi aThe place of the “false Feltri” is a novelty that, all in all, does not change the Italian panorama. I ask and say to the publisher De Benedetti: What exactly would be “the role that Tomorrow has conquered in the Italian information landscape”? I answer: none.
– Silvio Berlusconi has the leukemiabut not in the acute phase. They will say: what difference does it make? All the difference in the world. Congratulations again to the Cav.
– I find the talk of depressing Karl Calenda, I’m honest. But not for the content: that is always questionable. I speak of the moment, of institutional correctness, of the good heart of not stirring up controversy when the subject of discussions is in the ICU. In a word: inappropriate. Gentlemen are born, and Calenda apparently wasn’t born.
– Elly Schlein didn’t find time for a trivial tweet. Conte took 48 hours to say a few words. The Democratic Party’s new guard is wary of offering best wishes for a speedy recovery to the enemy of all time. Don’t you find it embarrassing? I do. And they don’t make much of an impression on us: politics consists of conflicts, including hard ones. But in a democracy you have to be good at never becoming “bitter enemies”. Because hatred prevents compromises that are necessary in Parliament. And above all, it clouds the view in moments of crisis like this. A message, just one, a tweet, even just by the way, would have been enough. Here is the text: “I wish Silvio Berlusconi a speedy recovery”. Is it that complicated, Elly?
– I say again that Renzi director of Riformista is upset. But not because you couldn’t play a double role: After all, it’s not the first time that a former politician has become a journalist again. But because he’s an important leader, without a moment of “pausing,” and most importantly because the senator is still in office, walking around saying he’ll start dealing the cards again in a few months. It’s not illegal. It’s not a scandal. But no: it is not beautiful.
– I can imagine the embarrassment Karl Calendaafter the kiss of Judas u Enrico Letta He threw himself into this challenge with Italia Viva, knowing that they are compatible with Renzi like two positive poles of a magnet.
– Pope Francis answers teens’ uncomfortable questions about sex, pornography, masturbation, and abortion. He also does well in explaining why, according to the Magisterium, the sexual act must be an expression of love and nothing else. But I’m wondering: why would Bergoglio be for Tinder? I understand that according to the Pope, “young people have this desire to meet and that’s very positive,” but maybe he doesn’t know – or pretends not to know – that those who use Tinder certainly don’t do drink a beer in company. But sleeping with the person you just met. How can all this be reconciled with sex as an “expression of love”?
– To stop, Alfred Cospito He lost. The anarchist, who has been fasting for several months, has started eating again, currently including foods like sachets of Parmesan cheese alongside the usual supplements. In short: he eased his strike, which is a bit like giving up. In the past few days, he’d also ordered barley coffee, tea with lemon, and multivitamins. Always said and I repeat: His fight is legitimate, honorable, but wrong. He’s trying to blackmail the state with his body and the state can’t allow that. Minister Nordio, the cassation and two supervisory courts (Sassari and Milan) have rejected all lawyers’ requests to get him out of the 41bis. All he has to do now is put his mind at ease, resume feeding and hope for further legal action. These yes, always lawful and legitimate. But that doesn’t require a hunger strike.
– I can’t wait to know what the “moments of effervescence” will be Vincent DeLuca promised Elly Schlein after Easter. A commissioner wanted by the new secretary has arrived in Campania, but the problem with Fiefs is this: the votes are being brought in by those who have built a solid network in the region. And De Luca built a fleet of nets. I would never want to be sent to Campania in the position of commissioner if the governor decides to go to war. There will be trouble: prepare the popcorn.
– But really in the Pd Are they fighting to decide who will enter the Secretariat, and this is the most useless place in the history of the planet?
– Interesting analysis of gripper on the European tour of Xi Jinping: did not come to talk about Ukraine, but about green technologies. The ones that Europe has imposed on itself with the crazy idea of decarbonizing everything and that will actually make us dependent on Beijing. Xi knows this and wants to use the factor to his advantage until we are technologically independent. stupid us.