Russia announces end of embargo on Brazilian beef says Itamaraty

Russia announces end of embargo on Brazilian beef, says Itamaraty G1

1 of 1 Herd of cattle — Photo: IndeaMT Herd of cattle — Photo: IndeaMT

The embargo was announced by the country last month after an atypical case of “mad cow disease” was confirmed on February 22 in a small plot of land in the municipality of Marabá, Pará.

The case was considered atypical, that is, no risk of spread or public health (remember in the video below).

“Today, April 7, the Brazilian government received with satisfaction the announcement of the end of restrictions on Brazilian beef imposed by Russia due to the isolated case of atypical bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in the state of Pará,” Itamaraty said.

“The announcement, which comes on top of the recent reopening of the Philippine market achieved on March 28 and the reopening of other markets (Note No. 109/2023), represents the full normalization of trade in the product with Russia,” added he added . the Brazilian government.

According to the Brazilian government, beef exports to Russia in 2022 totaled around $165 million, equivalent to 24,000 tons of the product.

Research confirms that case of mad cow disease in Pará is atypical

Other embargoes

In addition to Russia, countries such as China and the Philippines also announced an embargo on Brazilian beef following the unusual case of “mad cows”.

According to Itamaraty, Brazilian embassies and Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock missions in countries considered “strategic” have acted since the Pará case was registered to avoid an “undue” shutdown of markets.