President Lasso is informed of impeachment proceedings against him

Ecuador’s President Guillermo Lasso was officially notified on Thursday of the impeachment proceedings against him for the crime of embezzling public companies.


Impeachment proceedings against the President of Ecuador begin

The President has ten days from the notification of the Supervisory Commission of the National Assembly of Ecuador to exercise his right of defense.

According to TeleSUR’s Ecuador correspondent, Orlando Peréz, during this time the prosecutors and the defendant may present evidence for and against the Fiscalization Commission to substantiate the trial.

The journalist pointed out that President Lasso would not take part in the Legislative Commission and appointed lawyer Edgar Neira Orellana to represent him throughout the process.

According to the communicator, Guillermo Lasso would be obliged to attend the National Assembly when the specific impeachment hearing takes place after the Supervisory Commission has sent the report to Parliament.

After presenting evidence in the Oversight Commission, the Legislative Table has 20 days to prepare the report in which it must recommend or not recommend impeachment in the plenary session of the National Assembly.

Once the Speaker of Parliament receives the document, he has five days to summon lawmakers to indict Guillermo Lasso.

Authorizing the political trial of the head of state requires 92 votes from lawmakers, who make up two-thirds of the 137 deputies in the National Assembly.

Telesur’s correspondent in Ecuador, Orlando Perez, pointed out that President Guillermo Lasso used all his influence in the National Assembly and the media to disrupt and sully the impeachment trial against him.