Beasts, the background to Francesca Fagnani: "A very difficult challenge"

Francesca Fagnani hit the point. The presenter of Rai 2 achieved great success with Beasts, the show she directed. Even more so when the program switched to prime time. The reporter confirms it Giancarlo DeAndreis who adds: “A difficult challenge that began with general skepticism: but then the adventure of Beasts proved to be a great success in prime time on Rai Due…”, he admits in his column on Di Più Tv.

Also read: Selvaggia Lucarelli dropped: “Poison on the Fagnani? That’s why she’s a killer”

The compliments all go to the presenter, who has recently been a guest on La vita live Alberto Matano. For De Andreis it is “an incomparable ability of landlady Francesca Fagnani to let guests tell stories new, strange aspects, fun or painful part of life”.

Also Read: Beasts, Red Light Censorship: What They Didn’t Air

But which are the most popular interviews? The journalist has no doubts about that. To like more were face to face with Ornella Vanoni And Claudius Amendola. The two “were also very ironic at times, and sometimes reveled in dramatic stories about their own vices and weaknesses.” In view of the figures received, it cannot be ruled out that Fagnani’s interview program will also find a place in the Rai Due programs in the next TV season.