quotto rememberquot the Rai hosts desperate appeal to De Filippi

"to remember": the Rai host’s desperate appeal to De Filippi | Nobody calls him anymore Just Entertainment

Maria de Filippi Appell SolospettacoloMaria De Filippi Solospettacolo

A familiar face on TV appeals to Maria De Filippi to remember him and get him back to work.

The world of television is built on working relationships that last as long as you do They bring reviews to the television station to which it belongs.

It’s ugly to say, of course, but in an environment where everyone’s skills are being measured against the audience, you start the moment the audience picks up the remote and changes the channel look elsewhere

There are many characters, mainly conductors, who, after experiencing a golden moment on television and giving body and soul to a company, have reunited door suddenly.

It is, so to speak, the new that is progressing. Some real meteors, others have been put back to make room for new recruits, still others have seen their light slowly dim for no reason, a slow decline that then led them into the shadows.

The Forgotten of TV

Shall we name a few? Corrado Tedeschi. Who doesn’t remember that; sympathetic, calm, driving the unforgettable The game of pairs, who was very famous in the 90s and then threw so much from one goal to the other that it was difficult to keep up with him. And the sweetness Susan message? If the “valleys” had something to say, she was at the side of the big ones for a long time mike bongorno, and now? Some appearances and commercials.

But the list is really long, after all the TV of the 80’s and 90’s is really very different from the TV of today. Everything new, fast, with very different rhythms and themes. But there are some die-hards who don’t like to be pushed aside after years of success. Like the conductor asking for help to get back to work.

magalli appell de filippi-SolospettacoloGiancarlo Magalli Solospettacolo

The Rai conductor’s appeal to Maria De Filippi

Someone seems to have forgotten Giancarlo Magalli. Rai conductor very famous in recent years, screenwriter, at the helm of various programs including your facts for thirty years Magalli He had a horrible time with a lymphoma in his spleen, which he recounted very correct at the beginning of the year. Upon entering, he appeared emaciated and afflicted by the illness that kept him away from television for a year, but still with a great desire to get back to work.

And today he returns to launch his appeal from the pages of who where he regrets there is no place for him on television and he should have been there Big Brother VIP but as a commentator: “In my place, they took Orietta Berti. Who knows what will happen with the next issue. If Signorini called me, I would definitely say yes. I wish also Maria De Filippi remembered me.” Or he could start thinking about retirement at 75, as many users on social media have pointed out to him.

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