Putin wants to go to South Africa will he be

Putin wants to go to South Africa will he be arrested there?

The BRICS South Africa summit will take place in South Africa at the end of the summer. If Wladimir Puitn arrives, he is threatened with immediate arrest.

The BRICS summit will take place again in August in South Africa: an economic summit of the states of Brazil, India, China, South Africa and also Russia, who deliberately wanted to position themselves against “the West”. The organizer of this year’s summit is South Africa.

In particular, the heads of state of participating nations were invited, including the President of Russia Putin. The problem: An official International Criminal Court (ICC) arrest warrant has been available against him since March 17, 2023 – for kidnapping Ukrainian children to Russia.

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Legal obligation to arrest

In fact, South Africa would be legally obligated to arrest Putin – because it is one of the 123 states that are signatories to the “Rome Statute”, on the basis of which the IstGH was founded. According to estimates by “Tagesschau.de”, however, it is highly unlikely that South Africa will actually take that step.

On the one hand, it is not clear whether Putin will come, on the other hand, South Africa has already opposed the arrest: “We will not make an enemy of Russia at the behest of others.” Already in 2015, the then Sudanese president Omar al-Bashir, against whom there was also an international arrest warrant, managed to enter and leave the country without hindrance.

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