1681084360 Actors from Cuba vacation on the Islas Margaritas in Venezuela

Actors from Cuba vacation on the Islas Margaritas in Venezuela: “We also have the right”

CubitaNOW Newsroom ~ Sunday April 9, 2023

A group of Cuban actors vacationed in Venezuela’s Margarita Islands as part of a project to promote a travel agency.

They are Alicia Hechevarría, Alejandro Cuervo, Maykel Amelia and Leonardo Benítez.

The youngsters shared a funny video from the airport on their social networks. “We have no right either,” reads the comment that accompanies the footage.

In the Instagram stories, everyone shared pictures of how they are doing well.


One of the most popular and popular actors, Cuervo shared several photos in front of a McDonald’s fast food restaurant.

This is Chagod Tour travel agency based in Jamaica and Dominican Republic but operating in Cuba.

Agency executives were present at a business fair that was part of the activities of the controversial San Remo Festival organized by Cuba’s First Lady Lis Cuesta Peraza.

Its operations director in Jamaica, Luis Alberto Graham, assured Excelencias magazine at the time that they “organize shows with Cuban artists, be they comedians or singers, a concept under which they promote family reunification”.

“The agency handles all visa processing for Cuban residents and includes a visa, ticket, all-inclusive 4 or 5 star hotel, transportation, excursions and entry to the show in question.”

In the case of the Margaritas, Cubans are an important source of income. Venezuelan Tourism Minister Ali Padrón said last January that island residents spend more than $5,000 per person on shopping alone.

According to him, the majority were “small Cuban businessmen”.

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