1681084493 From Albissola to Africa in a camper van already 7000

From Albissola to Africa in a camper van, already 7,000 kilometers behind: The adventure of Sabrina and Gabriele IVG.it

Albisola Marina. A 1981 RV, several surfboards, yoga mats, a skateboard, some supplies, books, cameras, a violin. From Albissola Marina to Spain to arrive In Africa7,000 km already covered, estimated 13,000 km still to be covered to complete the Tour and return to Liguria, in total 20 thousand. Is that the Journey that Sabrina Giordano dared to undertake37 years old, Genoese, from Sestri Ponente e Gabriel Palmato32, from Savona, from Albissola Marina.

He is a wedding photographer and surf instructor, for years he has been spending the winter months traveling in a motorhome while she has changed her life after Covid: “I worked in a financial company in Genoa but the lockdown was a key factor in the decision to fire me. So I took a step forward and started becoming a yoga teacher.”

Always travelling, Gabriele spent every winter in the van, mainly in Europe between Spain and Portugal. Both did many experiences with “Backpacker”: him between India, Thailand, Peru, Canada, Costa Rica and her Bali, Polynesia, Kenya, Europe, Turkey.

Originally, Sabrina and Gabriele were planning to spend the fall and winter seasons in a camper van in the Canary Islands, until he suggested they head to Morocco and continue their journey in Africa. From here begins second part of the adventure beyond European borders: “We have traveled far and wide in Morocco and now we are heading towards Mauritania – said Sabrina enthusiastically –. The plan is to stay there for about ten days and camp freely with two friends who own a 4×4. We want to visit Cinguetti, where the Muslim Koran library is located, have conversations with the nomadic population and arrive at the lake with the white crocodiles.”

But the journey is not over yet: Senegal, Gambia and even sub-Saharan Africa are waiting for Sabrina and Gabriele.

With the mobile home in Africa

To hit the couple positively, theWelcome and friendliness of local people: “They have nothing, really nothing, and they shared their food with us, they prepared their typical dishes for us”. For Gabriele it was also an opportunity to take special photos and learn to surf new waves: “Thanks to the help of a local boy, he managed to ride a very difficult wave.”

The journey is characterized by a constant confrontation and close contact with the natives of the places the two boys visit from time to time. Sabrina recalls two episodes that stuck in her heart: “Gabriele – she says – donated a board he used as a kid to a surf school run by a boy and born to help kids off the street pick up. Also exciting was when my friend gave some photos of young surfers and in return they offered a typical local lunch prepared by their mother.”

A journey with an adventurous character that also requires adaptability to the difficulties that months of life in a camper entail: “We have to be careful Swallow electricity and water, we have solar panels on the vehicle but they are old and we can only top up the water at some campsites we find along the way. It should be used sparingly.”

With the mobile home in Africa

For the Ligurian tourist season, the two young people will return home and will eagerly await the next trip at the end of summer: “This year we will evaluate where we are going, whether we are going back to the same places or experimenting with new routesbut it is certain that we will start again,” concluded Sabrina.