Each zodiacs weekly love horoscope April 10th 16th 2023

Each zodiac’s weekly love horoscope, April 10th – 16th, 2023

Your weekly love horoscope for all zodiac signs is here for April 10-16, 2023. Here are the most romantic days of the week, followed by horoscopes for the sun, moon and rising zodiac signs.

At Tuesday, April 11, 2023 Knowing the power of choice is key to understanding your relationships. This exists not only in who you choose to be with, but also in what is decided along the way to create the container for the relationship and whether it is healing or hurting. Today, Venus, the planet of love, transitions into Gemini, giving you more awareness of that choice. Gemini represent the duality of your choices, which in love can even boil down to whether you avoid communication in the most difficult moments or engage in healthy dialogue.

There is an added intensity today as Pluto in Aquarius and Venus in Gemini unite, propelling you forward in truth and a desire to do whatever it takes to heal or continue to grow together. At the same time, a boon of fortune comes as Jupiter travels to the heart of the Sun, both in Aries. This helps you focus on the decision you want to make going forward and ignites your passion for doing whatever it takes as you make the fresh start ahead. It’s a day to bring together your awareness and motivation for positive change so you can embrace the power that every decision you make impacts your relationship.

Then further Thursday, April 13th, the last quarter moon is a time to let go, let go, and dismantle anything in existence that is holding you from fully manifesting what you are working toward. This is self-reflection. From your inner beliefs, behaviors and even the situations around you. By embracing this energy of Moon in the last quarter in Capricorn, you can dismantle what has outgrown you, what is obsolete, and what feels more like a burden than a blessing. The more you let go, the more space there is for that precious intention to take root and grow into the dream that has blossomed in your heart.

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If Friday, 04/14/2023, rolls around, You can understand what is limiting you and start taking precautions to overcome it. Saturn in Pisces combines with the North Node in Taurus today, bringing you greater awareness of what’s holding you back and intensifying the energy of yesterday’s last quarter Moon. There is a feeling that regardless of the new beginnings you have been striving for in love, there is something you are holding onto that is counteracting your efforts.

Saturn and the North Node can also help inspire more patience and help you see more transparently what is happening in your psyche and life. While understanding and recognizing your own limitations may not be easy, it is necessary to be able to keep moving forward on your romantic path.

On Saturday, April 15th your own inner essence burns within you. It is the flame of life, and in astrology it is Dwarf planet Vesta that rules this part of you. As it transforms into Taurus today, you will work to rekindle that inner energy. However, Taurus will guide you to walk slowly. The newfound awareness of the limitations in your life is a sign that the work you must do to overcome them is ingrained and cannot be rushed.

Venus in Gemini also forms a challenging aspect with Saturn in Pisces, bringing greater seriousness and caution to watch your words so as not to create major conflicts in your romantic relationship. With the prior energy this week, it’s best to take note of the limitations and create a plan to diligently work on, rather than rushing forward and making sweeping changes.

Here is the weekly love horoscope for all zodiac signs in astrology.

Weekly Love Horoscope April 10th – 16th, 2023:


(March 21 – April 19)

Best day for love: Tuesday April 11th

As much as you’ve found within yourself what you’re feeling and what steps you want to take in your romantic life, you’ve kept most of it to yourself. Part of this is that when you’re having a conversation with a partner, or even a potential partner, the words you speak have power and actions will inevitably follow. Your words lay the foundation for what you create, but when Venus turns into Gemini and encourages communication, it’s time to take that step and believe in your intuition and heart.

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(April 20 – May 20)

Best day for love: Tuesday April 11th

How you feel about yourself will determine a lot, especially your romantic relationship. You only choose what feels familiar when you carry wounds like a heavy burden on your shoulders. Yet familiarity will only perpetuate these wounds; Instead, the discomfort of something new feels like healing. This week, as Venus moves into Gemini, she activates themes of worthiness and reminds you, even in your darkest hour, of what you are truly worth receiving from love. If you can align with that, you also set the bar for what you receive.

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(May 21 – June 20)

Best day for love: Thursday, April 13th

You can’t hold on to every fear, every pain, or even every doubt that reminds you of the heartbreak and pain you went through in the past. To truly step into the transformative fire of love, you must let go of what isn’t working for you. You move in accordance with your truth and never push away or put off what you know is in your best interest.

This week, as the Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn urges you to look at what you’re attached to that’s compromising your intimate connection, you finally have the opportunity to let it go and step into space to create what you are want instead of what you are not.

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(June 21 – July 22)

Best day for love: Thursday, April 13th

You are going through a powerful transformation of yourself and what you want to be a part of in your life. As you honor your desires and dreams more deeply, changes need to take place in your relationship. Sometimes a relationship isn’t meant to usher you into a new phase in your life, and sometimes it’s just that it will go through mounting pains as you continue to move forward. As the Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn rises in your romantic zone this week, you will be able to let go of whatever is holding you back, be it a person or just the belief that you can achieve all the fulfillment you are creating, not earn your life.

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(July 23 – August 22)

Best day for love: Tuesday April 11th

You can love your family and friends. You can appreciate their opinions and even their suggestions. However, you cannot allow someone else to dictate your choices and choices in your love life. You must own your own truth about who and what type of relationship you want to form.

It doesn’t matter if others agree, nor does it matter if it looks like someone else did. Instead of waiting for others to enlighten you about your choices, look for the choices that make you brighter inside. As Pluto in Aquarius crosses with Venus in Gemini this week, you can bring happiness to others or yourself.

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(23 August – 22 September)

Best day for love: Tuesday April 11th

You are entering a phase where anything you want is possible; it’s just that it’s on the other side of growth. There have been many new opportunities for growth and connection in your love life, but you must remain in this healing space to fully realize what has happened. You can only create a space for love. You can only set the standard for how you want to be treated and what type of relationship suits you. The rest is up to your partner.

The more you can stay in this space of empowerment, the more abundance you will attract, which is exactly what Jupiter merging into the heart of the Sun in Aries will bring you this week. Don’t forget how far you’ve come and stay in that space of constantly attracting whatever you desire.

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(September 23 – October 22)

Best day for love: Tuesday April 11th

This is a whole new chapter in your life. Nothing before could have prepared you on how to receive whatever is offered to you, even if everything had to happen to help you get to that point. Being fully immersed in the goodness and love that surrounds you, receiving it with open hands and hearts, is the most difficult task right now. But you also see the difference between learning lessons through love and through pain.

The fact that the most challenging lesson you’re moving through is accepting and receiving the love you’ve always wanted is reason enough to celebrate how far you’ve come. As Jupiter crosses into the heart of the Sun today and shines brightly in your romantic sector, you can use this energy to open up more to receive, lower those walls and stop worrying. Somehow you lose what’s meant for you because you can’t.

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(October 23 – November 21)

Best day for love: Friday, April 14th

In your heart you know what is meant for you. You understand that there is a path ahead that is calling you, and maybe it doesn’t make sense or you still want to acknowledge it. This is your own inner truth that will help guide you forward, out of the darkness and into the transparency of wholesome love.

This love is committed, and it is part of your purpose that your soul is committed to in this lifetime. You may not be able to control every part of this path, but you can continue to embrace the signposts as you journey further toward your destiny. This week, as the North Node in Taurus merges with Saturn in Pisces, an important moment occurs that will help you receive validation and an unshakable belief that everything is happening exactly as intended.

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(November 22 – December 21)

Best day for love: Tuesday April 11th

The worst thing you can do is pretend that someone who means everything to you means nothing. It’s not just about them, but how you betray your heart every time you don’t align with it. You crave truth, but deep emotional vulnerability, such as that required by a romantic relationship, can be frightening for you because it can feel like you are giving away a part of yourself that you can never get back.

That’s love. You have to take risks, especially when you know it’s already worth it. This week Venus is transitioning into Gemini, highlighting the choices and decisions you have made and are preparing to make in your romantic life. Remember that how you present yourself in a relationship is always a choice that you must make consciously and that ultimately determines everything else that follows.

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(December 22 – January 19)

Best day for love: Tuesday April 11th

After a few intense months, there is healing here this week. There has been so much focus for you lately on your committed relationship and whether you are telling your truth about how you feel and what you need.

There were the same distractions you usually get bogged down in, whether it’s a career or just avoiding the emotional elephant in the room. But this week, with the help of the Sun and Jupiter in Aries, you will be guided to be in the moment long enough to take advantage of the potential healing. Being emotional is not easy for anyone, but your partner needs you to create a safer emotional space for them and you may find that doing it for you is what you need to do.

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(January 20 – February 18)

Best day for love: Friday, April 14th

The root of everything in your romantic relationship will always be in the one you have for yourself. While you’ve heard so much about your past and the wounds it left there, there’s a deep part of you that still hasn’t quite caught up emotionally.

This is the tender space where you feel what you are worth receiving and don’t live in doubt or fear that it can be taken away or abruptly changed. As you move through Saturn into Pisces and unite with the North Node in Taurus, you can feel these spaces begin to heal as you find it easier to logically know that you are worthy and open to fully receiving it . Once you allow yourself to feel this, you can expect positive changes in the most intimate part of your life; Once the walls come down, love finally has a space to settle into.

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(February 19 – March 20)

Best day for love: Tuesday April 11th

You are a sign of duality, the two fish swimming in opposite directions, indicating that you are constantly torn between the world of reality and that of your dreams. This can often come up in your romantic life when you want to see what expands this dream world rather than what would bring you back to reality. This week Venus, the planet of love, moves into Gemini, another zodiac sign that represents duality, except in this case it lies between the human and the soul; You can see more options available to you in your committed relationship.

You don’t have to give up on your dreams, you can learn to balance both. You will be able to recognize the choices you have in how you perceive conversations, events and even topics that allow you to choose the path of the higher self and your own ability to truly create the world in you want to live – even if others don’t think it can be done.

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Kate Rose is an author, spiritual astrologer, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. You can find more of her work on her website.