Cuban Journalist: ‘How long will the lack of respect and sensitivity among officials last?’

CUBITANOW Newsroom ~ Monday April 10, 2023

Independent Cuban journalist José Luis Tan Estrada this Monday denounced the poor attention paid by officials in the area where he lives in Camagüey and that he has been without water for two months.

“This Monday morning I spoke by phone to Lourdes Basulto, President of the Julio Antonio Mella People’s Council of the Municipality of Camagüey, so that she could explain the water situation in the La Mosca district and the solution sought. because it has been more than two months since the neighbors carry this precious liquid and arrive at other places of distribution”.

“His first reply, without a good morning or a polite greeting, was ‘Didn’t you see the news program?’ I tell her I’m calling her because I need to know the specifications of the cast and her treatment isn’t the most appropriate.”

“I repeat once again that we have not had water for several months and at this time they have not yet sent a whistle. She tells me the problem has been reported but that she is not the owner of the pipes. ‘What do you want me to do? The only thing I do is transmit,” he says. That is, according to Lourdes, the Presidents of the People’s Councils only transmit the complaint, but it is not their turn to solve, to demand, to force, make sure these are fixed.”

“She insists that I give her my address so that she can visit me. The exact moment to stress that it is their duty to come and offer an immediate solution to all the neighbors, not just me. ‘That’s what the delegate is for,’ she replies, then hangs up to relieve herself of responsibility.”

“Lourdes maintained an attacking and altered tone throughout the conversation, disrespectful and without arguments to respond to my complaint. In Cuba there are many Lourdes who constantly violate constitutional rights, our rights and who do not know Article 10 of the Constitution of the Republic states that “Government bodies, their directors, officials and employees are obliged to respect the people, to take care of them and to respond to it (…)” and Article 53 states that “everyone has the right to seek and receive from the state information that is true, factual and timely (…)'”, he recalled.

“How long will the lack of respect and sensitivity of officials in Camagüey province be a widespread evil in Cuba? For the ‘theoretical saints’ I have the recording of the conversation (of course I won’t publish it) and witnesses in case you think it’s slander,” he concluded.

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