Arte Plaza fair in Camaguey will add entrepreneurs Photos

Arte Plaza fair in Camagüey will add entrepreneurs (+Photos)

The revival of the cultural and commercial life of the central Maceo street in this city, through the externalization of services set up on its boulevard with the active participation of entrepreneurs, is the objective of the Arte Plaza fair that will take place next Saturday .

Camaguey, April 11 (ACN) The revitalization of the cultural and commercial life of the central Maceo street in this city, through the outsourcing of services set up on its boulevard with the active participation of entrepreneurs, is the objective of next Saturday’s Arte Plaza fair take place.

Convened by the Office of the Historian of the Camaguey City (OHCC), the initiative aims to bring together people with their own business project, artisans and government entities of the Creative Circuit of Camagüey interested in promoting their products and services, in a day of side activities and participation of local artistic talents can enjoy .

Sheyla Domenech Castellanos, chief specialist of the Cultural Management Center, explained to the Cuban News Agency that they also intend to provide a space for those companies that have legal protection but cannot afford a place in the center of the capital, and in this way bring their productions closer to the public and make themselves known.

The fair is dedicated to the International Day of Entrepreneurship, celebrated on April 16, and those interested are advised to contact the OHCC Cultural Management Center at Calle Independencia n.219 for more information and To.

You can communicate by phone at 32-255150 or 58640303 and the admissions deadline is next Thursday April 13, 2023.

The Arte Plaza project, culture to grow, is a proposal developed by the Office of the Historian of the City of Camaguey together with the NGOs Care and Oikos and funded by the European Union and the CAMOES Institute from Portugal.

The José Martí and Ignacio Agramonte parks and the Trabajadores, El Carmen and San Juan de Dios squares represent the usual areas for the activity, which in this edition aims to be more complete and to establish itself in this important artery for the third parties Saturdays of each month.

The meeting starts at 9:00 am and lasts until noon and also includes activities for children and an exhibition of some of the region’s most outstanding companies.
