Say goodbye to the smell of home cooking without spending

Say goodbye to the smell of home cooking without spending a euro: the infallible trick will transform your … Finance Rapisarda

A perfumed house is an excellent business card for guests and a joy for the owners. There are some natural remedies that represent a valid ecological alternative to industrial deodorants.

Spices, citrus fruits, flowers are all valid allies to create the original aroma for your home. But how do you use them so that they can perfume the whole house?

There are many ecological alternatives for cleaning your home. Nature can also be useful in the creation of room fragrances with numerous scents of spices such as rosemary or flowers such as lavender.

Altroconsumo shows that the choice of ecological and natural products is the most recognized, precisely because it is not harmful to the environment and health. While scented sprays and candles allow you to scent your home, they emit substances that, in most cases, are harmful to your health.

So how do you stop bad smells from taking over? Surely the first choice of the tummy would be to go to the supermarket and buy various industrial products that perfume the rooms. But there are some very valid natural alternatives that are worth trying.

How to perfume your home, natural methods

As already mentioned, one should be careful with industrial products, which certainly have a high degree of pollution. Conversely, there are some natural products such rosemary, lavender, cloves, sage and many others are excellent allies to non-destructively perfume the environment. It often seems difficult to get rid of the annoying nauseous cooking smell. A functional alternative is to use the oregano. It is necessary to dry the leaves, chop them, and then arrange them in a jar without a lid and put it in the room to get rid of bad smells. To perfume the drawers and wardrobe, ie lavender flowers and the sage leaves dried. It is necessary to combine the two fragrances in one sachet and place it where you like it the most. The result is guaranteed. All these are little tricks that will surely make the difference and give your home a new and fascinating smell. It should not be forgotten that the apartment must be frequent airy. So yes, use perfume, but don’t forget to leave the windows open to let the air through.

Perfume the house in winter

We closed the previous paragraph by emphasizing the importance of ventilating your home several times to ensure circulation and air exchange. In the summer this is often possible as the temperatures allow you to enjoy the fresh air. But how to perfume the house in winter? Radiators will certainly come in handy. It will be enough to simply store citrus peels oranges, tangerines And Lemons and put them on the heater. Another alternative is to place a cloth soaked in essential oils on the radiator. This trick gives you access to a completely free and very functional aroma diffuser. In short, now that you have many tips at your disposal on how to perfume your home, all you have to do is try!