Adolescents and nudity A British program causes violent reactions

Adolescents and nudity: A British program causes violent reactions – Teller Report

A television program shown in the UK is not unanimous as nude scenes are shown to a youthful audience.

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Channel 4 broadcasters, who have been the target of several threats, support their approach, emphasizing that everything is done in an “educational” context.

The television series aims to raise young people’s awareness of body diversity.


Should we be outraged by Channel 4’s initiative? A sexologist offers a nuanced perspective in an interview with Frédérique Guay on the airwaves of LCN.

First, sexologist Valérie Morency clarifies that she only heard episode 2, which was about self-acceptance.

“In the 46 minutes that I watched, I saw boobs and genitals, but five minutes into the whole episode,” she said. There seems to be a lot of emphasis on when young people first see naked bodies.”

“There are very touching moments in the show,” she adds, adding that some young people may have a realization after being exposed to nudity.


On social media, some internet users speak straight out of “sexual perversion”.

Ms. Morency recalls that the series’ contestants obtained their parent’s or guardian’s permission before being exposed to nudity.

The question arises: are our young people sufficiently exposed to body diversity?

“Certainly not,” says the specialist. It’s a little bit of what we put into this show. We really go in body diversity.

“We have an educational goal. We’re not just talking about the genitals. We are also talking about the body as a whole […] Showing body diversity is important,” she continued.

Despite everything, the professional understands that some parents are not satisfied with the procedure and that concerns can be expressed.

“There will always be people who are confronted with their values ​​and their limits in their sexuality […] we have the right to like it or not,” says Ms Morency.

*See the full interview with sexologist Valérie Morency in the video above*