Labor costs Eurostat data In Italy it is below the

Labor costs, Eurostat data. In Italy it is below the EU average: 29.4 euros per hour versus 40 in…

Labor costs Eurostat data In Italy it is below the

In Italy the hourly labor costs borne by employers (including contributions, taxes and any bonuses). below the EU average: 29.4 euros per hourwell below the 39.5 euros of the Germany and the 40.8 euros of France. This is the new data published by Eurostatwho deny the Vulgate that the Italian “wedge” is not sustainable for business. The lowest costs are recorded in Bulgaria (8.2 euros) and Romania (9.5 euros), countries to which companies are more likely to migrate with the aim of reducing costs. The highest are paid Luxembourg (50.7 euros), Denmark (46.8 euros) and Belgium (43.5 euros). In between are Spain (23.5 euros) and Portugal (16.1 euros).

The two main components of labor costs – explains the European Statistical Institute – are wages and non-wage labor costs, such as employers’ social security contributions. The share of non-wage labor costs in total labor costs for the economy as a whole was 24.8% in the EU and 25.5% in the euro area. The lowest shares of non-wage labor costs were recorded in Lithuania (5.4%) and Romania (5.3%), the highest in France (32%) and Sweden (31.9%). in this ranking Italy is in third place with 27.8%.

In 2022, aggregate hourly labor costs, expressed in euro, increased by 5% in the EU and by 4.7% in the euro area. Within the euro area, hourly labor costs have increased in all Member States. In the non-euro area EU countries, hourly labor costs in local currency increased in all countries in 2022, with the largest increases recorded in Bulgaria (+15.3%), Hungary (+13.9%), Romania (+12 .2%) and Poland (+11.7%). Most EU countries have i funding programs introduced in 2020 and extended in 2021 to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on businesses and workers, such as: severance fund Italian. These grants have generally been registered as grants (or tax breaks) and have therefore reduced non-wage labor costs.

THE industrial worker they cost the most: hourly labor costs were €30.7 in the EU and €36.6 in the euro area. In Building the recorded costs were EUR 27.3 and EUR 30.8 respectively. As for me Serviceshourly labor costs were €30.2 in the Union and €33.3 in the euro area. In the predominantly non-entrepreneurial economy (excluding public administration) they were 31.3 and 34.8 euros respectively.