Commercial financial and critical deals on US role in Ukraine

Commercial, financial and critical deals on US role in Ukraine: Lula Xi alliance irritates (and…

The Brazilian President’s trip brings with it the expression of a change that is taking place in the world Inacio Lula da Silva in China, which ended on Sunday a Brazil. The President, along with a group of about 73 politicians and businessmen, made the long-awaited visit to the Far East in four days, where he met Xi Jinping. On his way back to Brazil, at the request of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Chancellery, Lula made an important stop in Abu Dhabi, where he met with Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the Emirates’ President, for the signing of cooperation agreements.

Lula didn’t end up in Beijing, the capital, but a shanghaiwhere he was received by the former President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseffrecently appointed to lead the Nbthe development bank of bricks (the organization of emerging economies, which includes Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) based in China. Although the idea of ​​the Brics in the US was formulated by former Goldman Sachs chief economist, British currency expert Jim O’Neil, in a 2001 study entitled Building better global economic BRICs, the spirit of the inauguration was not that of Rousseff especially for the American financial system. “Why can’t we do our trading with our own currency? Who decided it was the dollar?” Lula said in Rousseff’s inaugural address to the NDB, where the president again defended the use of local currencies to break away from the greenback’s hegemonic monetary policy achieved with the 1944 accords Bretton Woodsin the United States, where the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) were founded.

“It is not possible – urged Lula – to stifle economies like the International Monetary Fund is doing nowArgentina. When the IMF or any other bank lends to a Third World country, people feel empowered to keep the accounts, to manage the nation’s account. As if the countries were being held hostage by the one who borrowed the money.” In his speech, the economist Rousseff made it clear what his management policy at the Ndb would look like in the 2021 Funds flow in from the United Arab Emirates, Bangladesh, Egypt and Uruguay. “With a total population of over 3 billion people and a GDP of over $25 trillion, the BRICS are in a unique position to pave the way for the development of a prosperous world and a development shared by all humanity,” said Rousseff.

Chinese President Xi Jinping welcomed Lula and Rosangela da Silva, the first lady, in a formal ceremony at Heavenly Square in Beijing on Friday, April 14. The two presidents then continued the protocol in a confidential conversation. According to the Chinese press, the two leaders also discussed the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, in which they agreed that “dialogue and negotiations are the only viable way to resolve the Ukraine crisis.” Lula and Jinping signed 15 chords with the participation of both governments. In addition, another 20 trade agreements have been signed between Brazilian and Chinese companies and public bodies. The agreements concern trade exchange, Finance, Agriculture, Technology, Culture, Communication and Tourism. Lula’s visit to China seals the preferential relationship again Brazil with his most important business partner, after the ambiguous relationship with the former president Jair Bolsonaro with Beijing. There Development Bank of China will lend 6.5 billion reais Brazil and the finance minister Fernando Hadada He said the Brazilian government wants to “reindustrialize” Brazil with the “support of Chinese investments.”

Haddad also specified that he has no intention of alienating Brazil from the United States United States. “We are trying to get closer, we want US investment, but actually we are seeing almost a divestment movement. In the past administration, many American companies stopped investing in Brazil. But we want to work with these three major trading blocs: the United States, China and the European Union,” Haddad said. The minister’s reassurances come amid tensions in relations between them China And United States.

Competition for markets and political influence between the two countries has intensified in recent years, and the two nations have accused each other of abusive interference in areas of mutual interest around the world. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in 2022 China was the only country currently capable of “reshaping” the international order. lula And Xi Obviously, they are not only looking for commercial deals, but for strategic opportunities. Beijing sees a strong ally in Brazil to firmly establish itself in South America. In the travelogue lula In China, the Brazilian government emphasizes this geopolitical defense of Brazil in favor of the Chinese, even against it Taiwan. The Asian country is a strong partner for Brazil to return to the international political arena and try, moreover, to secure the long-awaited permanent seat in the countryU.N.. “Nobody will forbid Brazil to improve relations with China,” Lula said. The Americans did not like the statements made by the Brazilian president, especially on the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, and they saw them as an “affront”: “The United States must stop promoting war and start talking about peace,” said President Lula his departure United Arab Emirates. Although brief, Lula’s meeting with the Emir of Abu Dhabi, Mohammed bin Zayedhas a symbolic value as it connects Brazil to the renewed international politics of the Arab countries, especially after the historic rapprochement of theSaudi Arabia With the’Iran, which took place thanks to the mediation of Chinese diplomacy. The UAE is among Brazil’s top three trading partners and is the Middle East’s largest investor in the South American country. Credit Suisse’s currency crisis came to a head when the Swiss company’s main shareholder, the Saudi National Bank, refused to invest to save the Swiss institution. The no came after the Saudis even announced investments Irana country viewed as the arch-enemy by Jerusalem and Washington but very close to Brasilia and likely the next member of the BRICS.