Nino Frassica shocks Fazio quotThe child from Benignis La vita

Nino Frassica shocks Fazio: "The child from Benigni’s La vita è bella? e it is today"

Where have you been George Cantarini? Perhaps only the great cinema fans remember his name, but the truth is that everyone, absolutely all Italians, remember it: it is the name of the actor who played Joshua Goldsmiththe childlike protagonist of life is beautiful From Roberto Benigni. He was Guido’s son (Benigni himself) catapulted into the horrors of the Nazi concentration camps during World War II, and whom his father lovingly and dramatically tried to keep out of that drama by presenting it to him as a game. A film that also conquered the American audience and even let the then 5-year-old child win Oscar award.

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Cantarini continued his acting career, concentrating on the theater and never touching again the fame of this memorable moment for all Italian cinema. Today he is 30 years old and Nino Frasicain his flood of jokes a What’s the weather like On Rai 3, he saw fit to re-propose his name with a sketch of his own, surreal, brilliant, revealing.

The Sicilian comedian has been a regular pal of for years Fabio Fazio, remembers: “Today little Giorgio Cantarini, the little boy from Roberto Benigni’s La vita è bella, turns 30 years old. Despite his 30th birthday, his film agent didn’t want him to grow up. Here he is.” Then the director sends a shocking still: little Giorgio, still a child, blows out the candles in front of a cake with a beautiful 30. The amusing photomontage hides a truth: luckily (or unfortunately?) time has stood still for Giorgio-Giosuè.

Also read: Ivano Marescotti, the actor who died at the age of 77