Former GF Vip Columnist Ok back to the nips what

Former GF Vip Columnist: “Ok back to the nips what Signorini told me”

In an interview granted a few hours ago to the lecture by Il Fatto Quotidiano, Enzo Ghinazzi in art infant practically confirmed that much talk nip output of Big Brother it will happen and how, just as expected from Dagospia.

The singer, who rose to fame in the 1980s with hits like “Ice Cream with Chocolate” and “Su di noi”, was delighted with this choice by Alfonso Signorini and the production, who recently contacted him again. Comparing the format’s return to its original version, which aired in the early 2000s, Pupo commented:

“Is it correct that the transmission is returning with the nips? Yes, I think it’s a right decision, perfect. Because we also have boxes full of these self-proclaimed VIPs!”

As expected above, Signorini has indeed returned to look for Pupo, whom he would have liked to have had with him again pandit, a role the Tuscan artist has already covered in the past. However, the conductor apparently has to do without him, who gave him a nice two of spades. Here’s the singer’s comment on the merits of the matter:

“Basically we hugged with Alfonso, I like him and I love him madly. I am very attached to him. He wanted to do a nice report in his weekly newspaper. In fact, some beautiful pages about Chi have appeared and I am very happy. He said to me, ‘You need to be a columnist for Big Brother again, I miss you so much.’ I said to him, ‘I already gave, you meet someone like you once in a lifetime when things go wrong twice!’”

Big Brother: back to basics, everything that’s known (and what’s being said)

At the moment there are few solid certainties regarding the next installment of the reality show Canale 5, which has also been 100% confirmed for the next fall season. Obviously, one of the elements that has already been made official is the return of Alfonso Signorini in command to which however Pier Silvio Berlusconi recently set some limits.

Mediaset’s CEO no longer wants certain faces and certain trashy and vulgar dynamics to be re-suggested on his network, he needs a good one change of course to better suit viewers’ tastes. Hence the need to have “normal” and unknown people in the house who might make viewers feel more represented.

Incidentally, with regard to Big Brother 2023/2024, there are only indiscretions and anticipations to be enjoyed with caution. For example, Davide Maggio has hinted that they will likely be among the cast as well 4 high profile VIPs. The duration is also different, which should be shorter than the last editions: the next edition of the reality show shouldn’t last longer than 4 months, apparently.