Mario Draghis No to NATO leadership Italy now wants Cavo

Mario Draghis No to NATO leadership: Italy now wants Cavo Dragone Open

Italy wanted to present Mario Draghi as a candidate for the leadership of NATO. But the former prime minister said no. And now the chief of defense staff, Giuseppe Cavo Dragone, is aiming for the post of president of NATO’s military committee. Repubblica speaks about this and also recalls Cavo Dragone’s speech at the Atlantic Council in Washington: “Putin’s strategic goal was to demonstrate for the second time in a few months after Afghanistan that NATO does not work. He failed. The alliance is stronger and more reliable than before, and precisely because of its move we now have two new members, one on the border with Russia.” On the Ukrainian counter-offensive, Cavo Dragone says that “there is a moment of stalemate in military operations like the current one, which sometimes precedes a more determined and massive movement. Personally, I hope it doesn’t come to that and that the parties sit down at the negotiating table to talk about a final peace.”

From this point of view, he has no desire to dismiss China’s peace plan a priori: “It might contain something useful.” However, provided that we do not forget that at the origin of the war there is “a country, Russia, which has crossed the border of another with its tanks, and this is unacceptable”. It envisages no winners because “Putin has failed to establish a Lukashenko-type regime in Kiev and Zelenskyy is unlikely to retake all territories”.

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