Beats a police officer Achille Costacurta son of ex AC

Beats a police officer, Achille Costacurta, son of ex AC Milan soccer player, and Martina… reports

Achille Costacurta, 18, son of former Milan and international player Alessandro and model, actress and TV presenter Martina Colombari, has been reported at large for resisting and violence against a public official on strike charges an agent of the local police of Milan in one fell swoop after getting angry in a taxi for no apparent reason.

The episode, reported by the newspaper “Il Giorno”, happened on Tuesday evening: the boy, who had recently participated in the Beijing Express program with his mother, got into a taxi around 11 p.m. in the Tortona area and started shortly thereafter excited, so much so that the taxi driver asked for the help of a patrol of local police officers who were near Via Savona to carry out a service for the fuorisalone.

The taxi driver is said to have told the police that the passenger had damaged his vehicle and shouted nonsense; someone would have seen him throwing designer accessories out of windows too. The man got out while Achille Costacurta stayed in the car and refused to leave. The police officers opened the doors and one was punched in the eyesuffered from wounds judged curable in seven days.

The young man was immobilized and taken to the central arrest and detention center of the local police: At the end of the investigation, after hearing the public prosecutor on duty, a charge of resistance and violence against a public official was found.