Santorini 5 good reasons to spend your April 25 long

Santorini: 5 good reasons to spend your April 25 long weekend on the Greek island Stilosophy

Would you like to leave for the long weekend of April 25th? Then the right solution is to organize a trip to Greece to Santorini, a destination full of charm that shows its best in spring.

Santorini: 5 good reasons to spend your April 25 long weekend on the Greek island

If you still have doubts about what to do and where to spend it long weekend from 25.04 Coming soon, here’s the perhaps unexpected answer you’ve been waiting for: Santorini, one of the most beautiful Greek islands with a unique charm. A destination that is usually crowded during the summer season, but when discovered in spring, you will re-evaluate the time you choose it.

The reason? Well, the list of reasons why you organize one Trip to Greece In magical Santorini there are so many during these festive days and below we give you some to convince you to board the first available plane and fly to this Greek island with an irresistible charm that will offer you infinite shades of emotions and will give positive vibes .

Mild climate and warming emotions inside and out

The first reason that should prompt you to immediately book a trip to Greece to discover the island of Santorini is the opportunity to detach yourself from the uncertain climate that characterizes our spring, to let yourself be enveloped by pleasantness mild island temperatures.

Of course, swimming may not be for everyone yet, but for those who want to make the first dive of the season, the opportunity is not lacking. All surrounded by a place worth visiting even without going near the beaches, but just to observe the magnificent colors of this fascinating island, to say the least.

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Insights, villages and hidden corners to be discovered

And this is another reason that should convince you to visit Santorini by organizing a spring weekend on the occasion of the April 25 long weekend. Its “backcountry” and the charming villages and corners that characterize it.

Indeed, those who come to Santorini will be fascinated by the peculiarity of its houses, clubs, narrow streets, its blue roofs and magical views of the countryside, which in a not very popular season open immensely your eyes without the crowds of the Summertime. Anyone who decides to visit this island these days can enjoy it to the fullest hidden beauties and the magnificent surrounding countryside. Because in spring Santorini is filled with a whirlwind of magical atmospheres and the opportunity to fully enjoy them.

Experience a 5-star Santorini in the off-season

A possibility made even more fascinating by the fact that it is in the low season and that you can enjoy lower prices than in other periods of the year.

A economic advantage which, among other things, makes it easier to stay in one of those postcard places that you see immortalized in the photos of Santorini, where the pools merge with the sea, where the terraces seem to float in the sky and where everyone goes, you feel spoiled and the star of an experience that is nothing short of exclusive and a thousand stars. And maybe try a little the experience of living this Santorini shinier but which is within reach at this time of year for anyone who wants to treat themselves to a little more pampering.

Greek Orthodox Easter and its traditions

Another reason to visit Santorini on the long weekend of April 25th is the happy coincidence that our party coincides with that Greek Orthodox Easter which will fall on Sunday April 24th.

An opportunity to combine the beauty of the island with the possibility of getting into the heart of its celebrations and traditions linked to this important religious festival, discovering another side of the local culture and observing how the island changes during this special one and felt changed local population. For example by visiting Pyrgosin which during the Easter celebrations in its historic center the fortress is set on fire.

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Discover the spring tranquility of Santorini

Another reason to visit Santorini during the upcoming holidays or even as a solution to May Day is the quiet the island at this time of year.

Sure, you don’t have to expect a deserted place, but as one of the most popular islands in summer, Santorini stands out for its beauty in spring slow pacefor the tranquility of its streets, for the clarity of its landscapes, for the opportunity to sit outside at any time of the day, listening to the sound of the sea and observing the enchanting colors of the setting sun.

In short, an ideal place to unwind, breathe fresh air, spend a few days away from the hustle and bustle and recharge your batteries in one of the Islands of Greece most beautiful and picturesque. To experience an unusually long weekend full of unforgettable emotions on April 25th.