1682038111 According to the GUS in April Sumar gets 106 of

According to the GUS in April, Sumar gets 10.6% of the voting intention and Unidas Podemos 6.7%

According to the GUS in April Sumar gets 106 of

According to the Center for Sociological Research (CIS) April barometer, Sumar would achieve a turnout of 10.6% and Unidas Podemos 6.7% in the parliamentary elections. This study measures for the first time the support of the Sumar platform and the candidacy of the government’s second vice president, Yolanda Díaz, for the general election. In the last poll in March, United We Can received a 10 percent voting intent, and the formation accused the institute of manipulating its results downward. Yolanda Díaz’s platform appears as the fourth force ahead of United We Can and behind Vox.

The party that would win the elections remains the PSOE with 30.4% of the vote. In second place, four points behind, is the PP with 26.1%. Both socialists and mainstream parties lose around two points in voting intentions compared to the March barometer. Vox up one point and would capture 11.1% of the ballots. Citizens scrape four-tenths, rising to 2.8%.

CIS work in April includes SUMAR support to IU, Compromís, En Comú, Más País, Chunta Aragonesista (CHA) and Equo. The calculation was carried out according to the survey technical data sheet according to the direct answers of the respondents. The CIS details were added to each political formation: “parties and organizations that have publicly stated that they align themselves with and/or support one option or another”.

Yolanda Díaz repeats herself as the politician who the citizens give the best mark of 4.87, albeit without approval. Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez follows with 4.43; Íñigo Errejón (leader of Más País), who with a 4.07 easily beats the 4.03 of the PP leader Alberto Núñez Feijóo. Abascal’s grade is 2.73, the old one is very bad, not far from Inés Arrimadas (from Ciudadanos), who gets a grade of 3.39. Compared to their results a month ago, Abascal and Sánchez are up slightly and Feijóo is particularly down, losing 0.25 points, and Díaz and Errejón to a lesser extent.

The order changes when respondents are asked who they would prefer to be prime minister. Sánchez clearly wins with 21.3%, followed by the leader of the people’s ranking (14.7%) and just a little bit by Vice President Díaz with 13.5%. In the distance is Vox leader Santiago Abascal, who is the fourth favorite by the government (5.8%). The President of the Autonomous Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso (PP), is preferred by 2.5% of the respondents as President of the Government.

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The CIS is asking for every government minister this month. Only two women pass: Margarita Robles (5.15) and Yolanda Díaz (with a 5.07). Vice President Nadia Calviño (4.93) is close to approval and leader of inclusion José Luis Escrivá (4.44) is growing. The Podemos ministers get the worst marks, with Ione Belarra at the bottom of the table (3.36), followed by Irene Montero (3.49). The socialist minister who slipped to the bottom of the rankings is Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska.

Compared to January, the last barometer measuring the popularity of members of the Council of Ministers, portfolio holder Ione Belarra (Social Rights) lost the most popularity, falling by 0.27 points, Grande-Marlaska ( -0, 27) , and Irene Montero (-0.20). All ministers slip in their scores, with the exception of Culture Minister Miquel Iceta, who gains just 0.05 points.

The conclusions were drawn from a sample of 4,159 interviews conducted between March 31 and April 5, a month that began with Sumar’s coming out, which took place on April 2. No representative of the Podemos leadership attended the event. Shortly before, the formation led by Ione Belarra had accused the CIS of manipulating their intention to vote down and demanding explanations from Tezanos. In the first week of April, Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez returned from China, where he had defended President Volodymyr Zelenski’s peace plan.

The March barometer gave the PSOE the winner of a hypothetical general election by almost five points over the PP. The PP then lost 1.8 points in voting intent, Podemos lost almost three and Vox stayed according to this poll.