Mission live on Mars for a year The Weather

Mission: live on Mars for a year – The Weather Network

Published April 20, 2023 at 9:49 p.m

A mission that promises to be full of twists and turns. Explanations.

Simulate a stay on Mars

NASA has selected four candidates to participate in a Crew Health and Performance Exploration Analog simulation mission called CHAPEA. This mission lasts one year. To simulate a stay on Mars, a 157 square meter habitat was created using 3D printers.

The Difficult Life

The objective of this mission is to reproduce a stay on the red planet in order to overcome certain obstacles. Specifically, participants must manage: equipment failures, difficulties accessing limited resources, communication delays, and other environmental stresses.


Multidisciplinary team

The Commander is a scientific researcher of Native American origin in Canada. The rest of the crew consists of an engineer, a doctor and a scientist.

NASA is preparing the first phase of a long extraterrestrial stay for astronauts, beginning with sending a crew to the moon. The Artemis mission envisages the possible construction of a lunar base in preparation for the ultimate goal: going to Mars.

Source: NASA

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