Russian fuel and wheat at the center of Lavrovs talks

Russian fuel and wheat at the center of Lavrov’s talks in Cuba

The shipments of fuel and Russian wheat to Cuba were the topics that focused on the talks Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, with their colleagues in Havana. The chancellor also announced that the harmonization of the country’s debt restructuring conditions had actually been completed.

The Cuban-Russian intergovernmental commission will discuss Russian fuel supplies to Cuba at the next meeting, Sergey Lavrov said.
The headline stressed that during the President’s last visit to Russia Miguel Diaz-Canel, “Much has been achieved” and bilateral cooperation on fuel and food supplies has been agreed.

“Now this work is in the final stages, literally in the next few days the first results will be announced, and finally all this will be discussed during the Intergovernmental Commission, which will meet here in mid-May,” said the minister at the end of his visit to Cuba.

That added the senior Russian diplomat Moscow and Havana They are also negotiating a “special loan for additional wheat shipments” with Russia.
“I am sure that expanding tourism opportunities is also on the agenda of the Intergovernmental Commission,” the Russian headline stressed.

Lavrov stressed that both Cuba and Russia are interested in expanding mutual travel opportunities, but the decision in this regard “is made by the airlines themselves.”

Lavrov considers the harmonization of the terms of Cuba’s debt restructuring to be complete

The Foreign Minister added that the harmonization of the terms of the Cuban debt restructuring has actually been completed.
“Of course, the fact that the work to agree on the terms of the Cuban debt restructuring has been practically completed contributes to everything that is progressing and being achieved,” he stressed.

Lavrov’s visit to Latin America shows that “they are ready to understand the Russian point of view”

In addition, he stressed that Russia and Cuba have developed measures to protect bilateral trade and investments in the face of Western sanctions.
The senior diplomat also stressed that in Cuba he discussed work in other areas where Moscow and Havana could develop commercial and economic cooperation.

In this regard, he added that another meeting of the Cuba-Russia Intergovernmental Commission on Trade and Economic Cooperation will be held in Havana in May.

Lavrov welcomes Díaz-Canel’s re-election as President of Cuba

The Foreign Minister welcomed the re-election of Miguel Díaz-Canel and Esteban Lazo as President of Cuba and President of the National Assembly of People’s Power (Parliament) respectively.

“The re-election of the Speaker of Parliament [Lazo] and the head of state [Díaz-Canel] underlines the vote of confidence of Cuban society in the policy implemented by the President’s team, including the Minister of Foreign Affairs [Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla]. Congratulations on your new appointment and re-election in this important position, which also guarantees the continuity of our relations,” Lavrov said, quoted by the Russian Foreign Ministry, at the beginning of the meeting with his Cuban counterpart.

The senior Russian diplomat expressed his gratitude for the invitation and “the traditional warmth” with which the Russian delegation was received upon arrival in Cuba, as well as for Havana’s attitude towards the Russian special military operation in Ukraine.

“We are grateful that our Cuban friends, President Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, and other leaders have clearly stated their position from the beginning of the special military operation and expressed full understanding in their assessments of the reasons that led to the current situation have brought .” he stressed.

Lavrov pointed out that Havana and Moscow have a lot in commonIn particular, he recalled that Russia was under US sanctions “long before current events” and that Washington “declared and maintains an illegal and illegitimate commercial and economic blockade on Cuba.”
“We cannot agree that the world should permanently live by these American rules … which reflect a desire to continue colonial methods, live off others, and eliminate competitors,” he said.

“You see in Russia a challenger to the unipolar order”: the reason for Lavrov’s visit to Latin America

According to the minister, tensions on the international stage are heating up and “the West’s attempts to dictate its will and ignore the legitimate positions of others not only continue but increase”.

For this reason, the headline suggested that Cuba “work together at the international level to mobilize those countries that also reject such dictates to work together towards the formation of a multipolar world order in full compliance with the United Nations Charter.”

Lavrov arrived in Cuba on April 19 as part of his April 17-21 tour of Latin America, which has already taken him to Brazil, Venezuela and Nicaragua.

Source: Sputnik