Horoscopo de hoy 7 de abril de 2023 de todos

Today’s horoscope, April 21, 2023, of all signs of the zodiac

inside Horoscope todayFriday, April 21st, mercury The planet related to communication and document signing starts its retrograde path. With this movement, you must prepare yourself to overcome its obstacles and delays.


Starting today, Mercury, the planet in charge of bringing and bringing information, begins its retrograde path in the economics section of your horoscope.

During the next three weeks you may experience difficulty in receiving your winnings, credits or bonuses, or be denied a financial settlement involving a renegotiation of credit card interest rates.

In addition, you should be extra cautious in case of theft, fraud or loss of your cash, if you are about to open a business or launch your website for the first time, better wait the next three weeks.

See also:

Aries weekly horoscope April 17-23, 2023

Aries monthly horoscope for April

Aries horoscope 2023

Taurus horoscope

Today Mercury begins its retrograde orbit in your own sign, so you will feel its lags and shifts strongly. With this movement, your cunning and mental speed will not have the usual agility.

Because of this, you might feel doubts about your arguments for others and also for yourself because you will have doubts when you have to make important decisions.

For this reason, I advise you not to engage in heated discussions where you are not entirely sure what you are expressing, as your nervousness could complicate things further. Remember that it will do you no good to promise something you cannot keep.

See also:

Taurus weekly horoscope for April 17-23, 2023

Taurus monthly horoscope for April

Taurus year horoscope 2023

Gemini horoscope

Starting today, Mercury, the planet of information and your thoughts, begins its retrograde journey. In the next three weeks you will feel this influence strongly.

Remember that now moments of introversion and analysis will increase as you review past situations, you could be dramatic and emotionally unstable.

You may feel overwhelmed by the desire to escape reality and review your past decisions. You must be careful not to get trapped in a maze of thoughts and questions. Avoid getting caught up in mental confusion.

See also:

Gemini weekly horoscope for April 17-23, 2023

Gemini monthly horoscope for April

Annual horoscope Gemini 2023


Today Mercury, the planet responsible for delivering and providing information, will begin its path of regression. If this happens in the next three weeks, it is responsible for submitting misleading or inaccurate data.

There are also problems with e-mail, with the Internet connection and on the cell phone, disrupted conversations and disagreements when meeting with colleagues.

For this reason, I advise you to review your agenda and your attendance at the meetings that you call every day. If you have been trying to avoid a sticky situation with your work team over the past few months, this week they will come to light.

See also:

Cancer weekly horoscope from April 17th to 23rd, 2023

Cancer monthly horoscope for April

Annual horoscope Cancer 2023


On this day, Mercury begins retrograde and causes its known problems. However, if you have been going through tensions in the past three months or have not wanted to disclose any grievances or disagreements related to your work, they will be visible to all starting today and for the next three weeks.

This happens through situations full of inconveniences or misunderstandings. Here you must be very careful as your work efficiency might be affected, especially avoid the mistake of disclosing or posting false information when it is actually confidential.

See also:

The Leo weekly horoscope for April 17-23, 2023

Leo’s monthly horoscope for April

Leo horoscope 2023


Today Mercury is retrospectively making its way and the first effect you will feel as a result of this event will be an increase in the intensity of your thoughts.

You will find that you will keep asking yourself how you are doing with your goals, your lifestyle, even in the way you communicate with your loved ones.

With this sequence of ideas, you need to be careful and not get caught up in ideas and conjectures. Remember to look for an effective result. On the other hand, the next three weeks bring to the fore the tensions you’ve let loose with your long-distance relationships over the past few months.

See also:

Virgo weekly horoscope from April 17th to 23rd, 2023

Virgo monthly horoscope for April

Virgo annual horoscope 2023


Mercury begins retrograde today. With this movement you will have problems related to the tensions you have experienced in recent business meetings or financial and banking arrangements that have not been well clarified.

Additionally, if you have avoided paying debts or taxes, even when you have had certain deferrals, inconveniences and claims arise.

This reversal can also manifest itself in monetary losses and bank transactions that do not appear in your account. Therefore, it is convenient to do a personal cleansing with herbs to get rid of bad energy.


See also:

The Libra weekly horoscope for April 17-23, 2023

The Libra monthly horoscope for April

Libra horoscope 2023


Mercury is beginning its retrograde path today, a move it is making from Taurus, opposite yours and in the relationship sector of your chart.

With this influence, the difficult issues that you have not wanted to talk about in the last three months come to light. In addition to misunderstandings, problems and various questions arise due to mistrust, suspicions or information that you have withheld.

In this way, cheating to hide other lies or infidelity will become more frequent over the next three weeks, causing alienation in your relationships.

See also:

Scorpio weekly horoscope for April 17-23, 2023

Scorpio monthly horoscope for April

Scorpio horoscope 2023


Today Mercury will start its apparent path backwards and with this movement the complications will start, so I recommend you to take it easy and slow down because everything is delayed.

As a backward in an earth sign, you might confuse your material ambitions and come up with the wrong definitions; Therefore, you should be careful and not make serious mistakes because of your distractions.

Pay close attention when working with important account balances, ledgers, or records as you may be missing transactions or records.

See also:

Sagittarius weekly horoscope from April 17th to 23rd, 2023

Monthly horoscope Sagittarius for April

Sagittarius horoscope 2023


Your desires to see loved ones and friends may be thwarted by the delays Mercury retrograde will cause starting today and over the next three weeks.

With this movement, the obstacles to seeing you with them will increase and this will make you review your feelings from three months ago to now.

In this process you will surely also find love conflicts that you have chosen not to talk about, but in this retrogradation they will come to light, so I suggest that you use the properties of garlic that will help you get rid of bad energy to get rid of.

See also:

Capricorn weekly horoscope from April 17th to 23rd, 2023

Capricorn monthly horoscope for April

Capricorn horoscope 2023


Today Mercury begins its retrograde orbit. With this influence, tension and unspoken anger can surface over the past three months.

This will be particularly reflected in family group communication, because you will not be able to avoid confrontation or problems in order to maintain a certain harmony.

You should also consider that there may be delays, loss of documentation or fraud when you need to complete some real estate transactions. Therefore, check all the clauses and lower case letters of the contracts well.

See also:

Aquarius weekly horoscope April 17-23, 2023

Aquarius monthly horoscope for April

Annual horoscope Aquarius 2023


Today Mercury, the planet associated with your mind, begins its retrograde through Taurus. This affects you in your 3rd house, which corresponds exactly to the area of ​​the horoscope where you form your thoughts and your ability to say what you think.

But while all this event is taking place in the air element, such an astral movement will come so that you can examine your thoughts and make an analysis of what you should change.

Also remember that you will feel that what you are saying is not being understood or that you are using the wrong words; especially cause conflicts in your relationships.

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Pisces weekly horoscope from April 17 to April 23, 2023

Pisces monthly horoscope for April

Pisces horoscope 2023

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Silvia Rioja and Silvia Rioja contributed to this.