BBB 23 Gives Biggest Award But Has Worst Audience In

BBB 23 Gives Biggest Award But Has Worst Audience In Reality Show History TV

The BBB 23 enters the last five days with two very different records: the award given to the champion will be the largest in history (it has already surpassed R$ 2.8 million); However, the audience is the lowest ever recorded by Globo’s reality show. The engagement of fans of Amanda Meirelles and her deserts on social networks is not reflected in the viewers who actually watch the program.

According to an exclusive survey by TV newsThe current season of Big Brother Brasil collected an average of 18.9 points in the São Paulo area until last Wednesday (19th). If the program holds this index and by the way, there is no reason to believe in a trend reversal on the final straight reality will close below 20 points for the first time.

It’s natural for an attraction to lose audience over the course of its existence, especially when it’s been on the air for more than two decades, but the BBB had managed to reverse that decline and has had a moment of revival over the last three years, mainly driven by the fact that the public is stuck at home during the pandemic.

The BBB 21, for example, finishes its display with an average of 28.2 points. In other words, a third of the audience that followed the trajectory of the Juliette Freire phenomenon no longer watches the reality show in the greater São Paulo area. Arthur Aguiar’s controversial victory mobilized the audience even more last year: the average for the season was 22.8 points.

BBB 23 had its highest ratings to date at the premiere when it scored 22.7 points. Reality alone gave Globo cause for concern: it was the secondworst opening episode in history, only ahead of the premiere of the forgetful BBB 19 which scored 22.5.

Last Wednesday (19th) saw a new blow: the program, which mirrored the elimination of Domitila Barros and virtually established Amanda as the edition’s champion recorded just 10.8 points, the reality show’s secondworst viewership in its entire history ; The negative record belongs to the BBB 14, who scored 10 on February 16, 2014.

Big Brother Brasil is far from causing a loss for Globo as it made more than R$1 billion before it even aired, but the viewership drop should at least send a warning signal down the aisles.

Finally, the value negotiated with advertisers is directly dependent on the public having access to brand exposure. Why would a company agree to pay more to be seen by fewer people? And still run the risk of appearing in videos that expose situations of sexual harassment?

Check the average viewership of the last five editions of the BBB

  • BBB 23 18.9 points (up to 4/19);
  • BBB 22 22.8;
  • BBB 21 28.2;
  • BBB 20 25.1;
  • BBB 19 20.3.