Missouri Attorney General Schmitt grilled Anthony Fauci (president of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) with Louisiana Attorney General Landry last December [NIAID]) in a long interrogation. The head of the agency that enacted the pharmaceutical sector-wide control standards for the entire west, which has been fiercely defended by the mainstream media, was sitting on hot coals and might have thought he could get away with it, but it doesn’t seem like that at the moment.

That May, the two judges filed a lawsuit incriminating the Biden administration and including Joe Biden and Anthony, based on Fauci’s statements, which were made explosive in their apparent inconsistency and falsehood by the Twitter files released by Elon Musk Fauci personally invested with participation from the entire US Department of Homeland Security and a dozen federal agencies, including the FBI in primis. The mighty American Deep State is finally in the dock! The lawsuit alleges that a massive coordinated effort was carried out by an association of criminals, the Deep State, i.e. a state with permanent administrative powers regardless of who wins the elections. This organization intended to use Big Tech (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and others) to censor and manipulate Americans’ perceptions (from citizens to news outlets to the media) on issues involving laptops that Human trafficking and Hunter Biden report bribes in Ukraine, the lack of electoral integrity in the 2020 presidential election, the emergence of COVID-19, and last but not least, well-founded skepticism about the COVID-19 vaccine. Here are the ways Fauci and the Biden administration are committing colossal crimes:

a) Fauci claimed he was unaware that his communications team was coordinating with the heads of social media organizations to stop “disinformation and disinformation” until he was forced to admit that he was indeed aware of some instances of coordination were.

b) Fauci repeatedly stated that COVID-19 is a natural virus, but two years later he himself denied this thesis. Fauci has said several times that disinformation (definition of information he disagrees with) puts lives at risk, but under pressure from the Louisiana prosecutor’s office, he could not argue whether the “disinformation” label about the origin of Covid19 conveyed his theses 2020 or his own, but unlike the previous ones, in 2022.

c) Fauci refused to define “gain of function” research, saying that it was too broad a term to define, thereby robbing any of his assessments of a minimal scientific character.

d) Fauci has repeatedly stated that he didn’t understand something, for example he once lied when he claimed he didn’t know what Meta (parent company of Facebook) was until he was later forced to admit it. knew exactly what meta was. Clear documentation was produced consisting of various audio recordings that testify that he knew exactly what meta was and what it meant.

e) Another paradigmatic exercise in lying by Fauci, constituting multiple crimes, occurred when he was forced to admit that he had made an official communication and therefore knew the circumstances of a key person or report, but he was attempting to minimize its importance, suggesting that he was distracted in reviewing the key dates and did not read them carefully, or that he was not an expert in that sense and therefore did not fully understand their scientific meaning and implications.

f) Other very misleading tactics used by Fauci’s judicial defense were those of “passing the cask”, that is, getting his distant subordinates in trouble. This trend is common in his statement in which he brazenly argued that he, the head of NIAID, with his $6 billion a year budget and a plethora of the world’s most diverse and skilled “experts” had no idea what that was Reports signed by him emerged in America and around the world, anonymous officials would be responsible for very serious deficiencies of a scientific nature.

g) And finally the most serious thing of all. Fauci argued that hydroxychloroquine was “dangerous” and had “toxic” side effects. This claim was false because HCQ is one of the safest drugs known to man, but also because the COVID “vaccine” has killed tens of thousands and harmed millions of Americans. Likewise, Fauci’s medical treatment, remdesivir, has shown no beneficial effects in treating COVID and is also terribly toxic, as evidenced by the side effects listed in the leaflet.

h) Fauci claimed that hydroxychloroquine was ineffective in treating COVID, but did not cite a single study in his response to the survey to support his claim, stating that the references of the studies supporting his claims were at the time did not come to mind and hence his decisions. On the other hand, Fauci claimed not to be aware of any of the 371 studies on hydroxychloroquine that demonstrate its effectiveness in treating the disease, claiming ignorance, which confirmed his ignorance in this sense, even if a list of scientific publications was signed by scientists at the top of important universities and research institutes.

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