An Avanza line 24 city bus caught fire this afternoon in the San José de Zaragoza district, without the causes currently being known. No injuries to regret.
The vehicle burned out produce a large column of smoke visible from different parts of the city, this has alerted the neighbors and passers-by. The event took place at the confluence of Zaragoza la Vieja and Avenida del Tenor Fleta.
The fire is already under control, although firefighters are still working to cool the vehicle, according to reports from the City Council of the Aragonese capital. Troops have traveled to the site from Romareda Park with a nurse, a command vehicle, a fuel tanker and a truck.
Notice of termination was received at 5:56 p.m numerous alarm callsand in a short time the firefighters have the fire under control, which was also affected three parked vehicles on the street and on facades and shutters of various buildings de Tenor Fleta, especially number 126. The flames also affected a bicycle parking lot near the site. When the fire brigade arrived there was no one on the bus and fortunately there were no injuries.
Apparently the driver stopped and stopped the bus, which was traveling on its usual route the passengers were able to disembark in time before the accident.
“I came down from Zaragoza la Vieja and arrived just as it had started. The flames reached the second floor of the neighboring building.”, tells this newspaper José María Sillés, a resident of the area. For her part, another neighbor, Ana Álvarez, claims to have seen the fire from her house and went down “to see what happened”.
Marisa Moreno, owner of the Femosa store, a parts store located right in front of where the vehicle burned down, says the bus “came to a stop and stopped suddenly Some pedestrians hit the bus to warn the driver, who didn’t realize the smoke was coming out“, he says. At that moment, the driver opened the doors, “and everyone went on their own feet.”
From the Zaragoza fire brigade, Javier Villa, deputy operations manager of shift C, explains that the notification was received around 18:00. “Upon arrival we found more than half of the bus on fire and a very tall column of smoke and we got to work,” he says.