Fast X, the tenth film in the Fast & Furious franchise, recently lost its director, Justin Lin. The news came just weeks after production on Fast X began, citing “creative differences” as the reason for Lin’s abrupt exit. However, a new report claims that Vin Diesel’s problematic behavior on set is the real reason Lin left Fast X. According to Richard Johnson of the New York Daily News, a source familiar with the situation described Diesel as “difficult” before adding:
“I’ve never seen anything like it. Lin waives $10 or $20 million. Diesel is late for the set. He doesn’t know his text.
Justin Lin has been instrumental in the success of the Fast & Furious franchise as he has directed five of the nine films in the franchise, including some of the best such as Fast Five. He would also make the last two and seemed to have a great relationship with the cast. Lin and Diesel appeared together in an Instagram video just last week and appeared to be having a good time.
What could have gone wrong in a week? It’s extremely rare for a filmmaker to finish a mega-budget film in the middle of shooting. Not only did Lin forego a hefty paycheck, but he also risked his reputation by quitting without notice. And now Universal Pictures is losing millions of dollars every day while screaming for a suitable replacement.
But to be fair, this wouldn’t be the first time Diesel has been accused of causing trouble for the cast and crew. His infamous feud with co-star Dwayne Johnson was also sparked for similar reasons. Johnson called Diesel about his unprofessionalism, but he didn’t do it very kindly. Without naming any, Johnson referred to certain male co-stars as “candy a**es” and “chickens**t,” but it was obvious that the person in question was Vin Diesel. Due to their animosity, Diesel and Johnson did not appear in any scene together in Fast and Furious 8, nor did they do any press together.
The pair have apparently buried the hatchet, with Diesel even appealing to Johnson to reprise his role as Luke Hobbs in the final two films in the franchise. Johnson turned down the offer but will still star in the sequel to his spin-off, Hobbs and Shaw, alongside Jason Statham.
Also See: Jason Momoa Confirms He’s Playing the Villain in Fast & Furious 10
Incredible Hulk director Louis Leterrier will replace Justin Lin in Fast X
Louis Leterrier is in talks to take over the reins from Justin Lin. Leterrier is no stranger to big-budget films, having directed Marvel’s The Incredible Hulk, Clash of the Titans (2010), Now You See Me and Transporter 2. However, it will be difficult to resume production of a film of this magnitude from Fast X, especially without the lead time Leterrier is more than capable of doing so. Lin will continue to serve as producer and will share screenwriting with Dan Mazeau.
Fast X is set to be the two-part finale to the long-running franchise, and the film is set to end with a bang. F9 featured John Cena as Jakob Toretto, brother of Vin Diesel’s Dominic Toretto. The family grows even bigger with Jason Momoa, Daniela Melchior and Brie Larson. Michelle Rodriguez, Tyrese Gibson, Ludacris, Jordana Brewster, Nathalie Emmanuel, Sung Kang and Cardi B will also return.
Fast X will hit theaters on May 19, 2023.
Ten years ago, Justin Lin discussed the final arc of the Fast Saga with Paul Walker
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About the author
Mudit Chhikara (251 published articles)
Mudit Chhikara is a news writer at MovieWeb. He has a bachelor’s degree in electronics, but a lifelong cinephile, Mudit decided to write about films for a living.
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