In a new phone call between the two leaders on Tuesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin told his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron that he was open to dialogue with the Ukrainian government, Russia’s Interfax news agency reports.
During a more than two-hour phone call, the first between the two leaders since March 29, “atrocities” committed, after him, by the Ukrainian security forces, the news agency adds.
At the moment, the Élysée has not communicated the content of this long exchange between Emmanuel Macron and his Russian counterpart.
A first phone interview in a month
French President Emmanuel Macron and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Poutine were scheduled to meet at 12pm (10am GMT) for their first phone call since the French President was re-elected. It was the first exchange between the two leaders since March 29 and the re-election of the President of the French Republic.
The call follows the phone conversation the French leader had with his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Saturday, more than two months after the Russian army invaded his country.
The French and Russian presidents, who have spoken on many occasions – nearly 20 times since December 2021, including eight since the war began on February 24 – have not exchanged views since the discovery of the Boutcha massacre at the start of the war. April.
war in Ukraine. That’s what Emmanuel Macron and Vladimir Poutine said on the phone on May 3rd.