Environmental groups sue after SpaceX rocket explosion DH Les

Environmental groups sue after SpaceX rocket explosion – DH Les Sports+

On April 20, Elon Musk’s company launched Starship for the first time, but the rocket encountered anomalies, forcing SpaceX to activate the self-destruct command that triggered its explosion over the sea after about four minutes of flight. Several organizations, including the Center for Biological Diversity and the American Bird Conservancy, have filed suits in federal court in the capital, Washington. “The launch pad is located next to habitats of protected species and migratory birds, such as the Kemp’s turtle or the plover,” the Center for Biodiversity said in a statement, noting that the test “sprayed the surrounding area with fine” particles. The organization also cited the noise and light pollution associated with the space base, as well as the fire outbreaks it caused. The April 20 test flight caused a fire of about 1.5 hectares in Boca Chica Regional Park, south of the launch pad, according to the Federal Fish and Wildlife Service. “The aftermath of the launch includes numerous pieces of concrete, steel plates, metal and other objects hurled hundreds of feet, as well as a plume of powdered concrete that deposited up to more than 10 km northwest of the launch pad, the federal services detailed. However, no dead animal has been found on land managed by those services, they added in a statement sent to AFP. (Belgium)

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