Very true Toffanins style but how many easy tears Why

Very true: Toffanin’s style, but how many easy tears. Why we promote it, why we reject it

A mature conversation

One of the qualities of a durable gearbox is that it will stand the test of time well. In other words, to change over time while maintaining its structure, its identity if you will. «Verissimo» was born in 1996 under the direction of Cristina Parodi as an educated living room where the glamorous lives of famous people are presented and commented on. A mandate that remains so today, with the result of a program in full health that, kissed by ratings, also doubled its appointment and became a column on Canale 5.

The Toffanin style

It was not an easy position for Silvia Toffanin. As Pier Silvio Berlusconi’s partner, she had to prove on the field that she was the face with the highest title to run the good living room of her TV. Aside from the big smiles and greetings home that many reserved for her, the presenter had to take her prejudices by the arm, walk us a stretch of the road and then let go, proving she has a style of her own, perfect – fatality – for one Transmission as “True”. Prepared, she has made kindness and never exaggerated tones her signature, but hasn’t backed down when questions need to be asked, or even hidden behind awkward phrases when force majeure prevents her: see the recent hostings of her friend Ilary Blasi ; Toffanin said at the beginning that they couldn’t talk about what everyone expected to hear. Authentically friendly, she seems to immerse herself in the stories of her guests and is often moved, but in the way one would expect from a friend to whom we tell our worries. The result is a mature presenter with a style all of her own.

Previews and News

It will be partly for one reason, partly for the other, it will be for both reasons, but more and more characters are choosing the show to make statements, comments and announcements, which are then picked up and become topics for everyone to talk about . From Cristina Scuccia’s first appearance in civilian clothes, without a religious habit, to Ambrosini’s story of his son’s illness, to Father Georg, who talks to her about pedophilia. There are many cases, and they make «Verissimo» a program that can now measure itself in terms of authority with others that have long been considered noble.

Huge expansion of guests

But beware of the risk of crushing. All the prestige gained risks being lost when, due to the need to fill the program (it wasn’t enough, doubled), one is forced to invite not only the biggest names in entertainment and current affairs, but also those who once would never have passed the transmission screen. TV isn’t just about stars, and stories with supporting characters make sense to be told, too. But when it stretches too far, the Vippino effect of low cabotage, with little to give and even less to say, is just around the corner. It would be wise not to fall for it

Beware of light tears and strange but true

That’s the risk too. A risk that the numbers undermine even more: in the chaos of stories worth putting on TV, don’t end up looking for the viewer-catcher at all costs. The range of misfortunes, illnesses, accidents and misfortunes of all kinds is wide, as is the love stories and strange twists and turns that they take. Gut feelings are fine, too, but if you overdo them, they become a trait of transmission that risks not working as well in the long run.