The chief of defense has been summoned by the public prosecutor’s office to an investigation into alleged omissions.
The murder of 10 soldiers in Catatumbo became a national tragedy. Young people doing military service in the army were massacred by the ELN when their leaders thousands of miles away at a round table told the country they were seeking “total peace”. Defense Minister Iván Velásquez was summoned to the public prosecutor’s office for this case.
The prosecutor’s office is conducting several investigations, one aimed at the murder of the soldiers, confirming the responsibility of the ELN assassins and another at the decisions made by the military high command and to which they led possible omissions, the same ones that facilitated the entry of the guerrillas to assassinate the military.
According to prosecutor Francisco Barbosa, the testimony is intended to find out not only the versions of the uniformed officers who survived the terrorist attack, but also the families of the circumstances of the type, time and place that led to the victims they had Information about what happened.
“What happened in this operation, first of all the circumstances, whether there were any oversights, who was responsible for the operation, who was aware of it, and of course it will be these officers who are obliged to go to the prosecutor’s office, to help clarify these events in Catatumbo, which have been so unfortunate for the country,” said the Attorney General.
The minister gave details of the orders the officers and soldiers had at Catatumbo and how the security system was complete, as well as the information they were in possession of The authorities were duly looked after by intelligence and security services.
“So that they can explain the circumstances about the nature, time and place of what happened and we can have material evidence to confirm the Attorney General’s hypotheses,” the prosecutor explained.
As part of this investigation, prosecutors had already heard testimony from three high-ranking officers, Generals Frederic Coy, Nairo Martínez, commander of the second division of the army and General Ricardo Roque, Commander of the Army’s Specific Command in Norte de Santander.
“If you compare the numbers, we’re talking about a 283% increase in massacres involving more than four people in different areas of the country compared to the same period last year… So we’re talking about crime going up, there’s a period of massacres very complex and it is surprising because in general homicides in Colombia have decreased by 7%,” said the prosecutor.
The other officials cited by the prosecution are: General Elder Giraldo, Commander of the Armed Forces; generally Luis Mauricio Ospina, Commander of the Army and Colonel John Fredy Correa, Head of Santander Energy Command.
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