The globalized world makes people know a little bit about every existing nation on the globe. Even if it’s superficial knowledge, it’s enough to generate hatred. This means that there are some that rank as the most hated countries out there.
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The list below focuses on the perception of a large part of the population regarding the 5 most hated countries. However, it is important to emphasize that each person’s personal motives are not necessarily related to the inner reality as perceived by the population itself.
1 Russia is one of the most hated countries in the world
With 17 million square kilometers and more than 146 million inhabitants, Russia is one of the largest nations on earth. In the past, they competed on an equal footing with the United States.
Due to the recent war against Ukraine and other issues, it has become one of the most hated countries in the world in the eyes of many netizens.
2 Israel
Its population is only 9 million people, but religious wars and disputes involving Israel have made this country one of the most hated in the world. The treatment offered to the Palestinians is one of the main reasons the country is on this list.
Of course, this perception varies greatly depending on the point of view of the person assessing areas around the world.
3 China
Another of the most hated countries is China. Even as a socialist nation, the country has managed to become the most important economic power on planet earth today. At least that’s what the experts claim.
However, the outbreak of Covid19 that started in China has instilled fear in many people and picked up a kind of rancidity from the Chinese. In addition, there are many secrets about the local culture that the West does not know.
4 The United States (USA) is one of the most hated countries
Despite being Brazil’s number one cultural influencer, Hollywood has made the US one of the most hated countries out there. The constant wars for oil and political control and imperialist domination made the rest of the world hate this nation.
It can be said that even with the US as an example, many people detest US actions.
5 North Korea
Eventually, the enigmatic North Korea gained a reputation as one of the most hated countries in the world. The truth is that few people understand what is going on in this eastern nation.
However, many are under the impression that this is nothing more than a cruel dictatorship. However, few people can understand the truth.