The actor Marco Bocci was a guest in the May 2nd episode of Hyenas: Bocci was the protagonist of a monologue in which he talked about the pathology that afflicted him a few years ago and which has left its mark to this day. “Four years ago I survived a rare virus – he explained –. I was struck by the part of the brain that controls memory and language.” In fact, Bocci said live that he continues to have memory problems. And for an actor, it’s not an easy problem: “Today, I don’t recognize the faces of friends, and it can happen to me that I watch a movie six times before I realize I’ve already seen it.”
Bocci later admitted that this situation bothered him a lot: “I have often felt ignorant, restricted, damaged because the memories we carry with us for a lifetime tell us who we are every day. And then I who don’t have many of those memories anymore or I have them but spoiled mixed up with the imagination who am I really? I’ve often asked myself that.” Finally, the message of hope to the public, but also to himself, to him who was able to take his life back into his own hands: “Today I learned to live with this anger – he concludes -, every day I become a newborn man who has left a piece of his past behind to live in the present. A new man, and strange as it may seem, a happy man.”