A seven-year-old girl died in a cluster bomb at a school in Ukraine when her grandfather desperately tried to protect her from the blast.
Yesterday the President of Ukraine ZelenskyPutin’s wife Yelena said that Putin’s troops are “deliberately and cynically” killing children.
She recounted the case of 7-year-old Alisa Khlans, who was one of six people killed in the shelling of her kindergarten in Akhtyrka on the second day of the Russian invasion.
She said her grandfather tried to save a girl from a bomb.
Alisa Khlans, 7 (pictured), is one of six people killed when her kindergarten was shelled on the second day of the Russian invasion.
Her grandfather (pictured with Alice) tried to protect her from an explosion at the school.
Photographs of the aftermath of the attack show bodies strewn around the entrance as staff attempted to flee with the children.
Alice’s grandfather was reportedly killed in front of his granddaughter before she was wounded and taken to the hospital, where she died a day later.
At least one child who was hiding in a nursery was injured in the attack.
Attorney General Irina Venediktova said Alisa, who was three months away from her eighth birthday, died in hospital the day after the attack in the small town of Akhtyrka, an hour from Ukraine’s northeastern border.
The Russian military was accused of using cluster bombs in the attack, and traces of multiple explosions from a single bomb were found in the destroyed kindergarten. The Kremlin rejects this claim.
Seven-year-old Alisa Khlans was one of six people killed when her kindergarten was shelled on Friday, the second day of the Russian invasion. Photographs of the aftermath of the attack show bodies strewn around the entrance as staff tried to flee with children in Okhtyrka, eastern Ukraine. The circles indicate multiple hits, probably from a cluster bomb.
A bomb that fell about 200 meters away reportedly hit a kindergarten in Akhtyrka.
Elena Zelenskaya asked. NATO introduce a no-fly zone over Ukraine in order to “save our children, because tomorrow it will save yours.”
Yesterday, in her Instagram post, she wrote: “Russian invaders are killing Ukrainian children. Consciously and cynically.
“18-month-old Kirill from Mariupol was urgently taken to the hospital by his parents. He was wounded by gunfire and there was nothing the doctors could do.
Alice from Akhtyrka. She could have been eight years old. However, she died during the shelling along with her grandfather, who protected her.
Polina from Kyiv. She died during shelling on the streets of our capital together with her parents and brother. Her sister is in critical condition.
Arseny, 14 years old. A shell fragment hit him in the head. Under fire, the doctors could not reach the boy. Arseny bled out.
Sofia, six years old. She, along with her 1.5-month-old brother, mother, grandparents, were shot dead in their car. The family tried to leave Novaya Kakhovka.
Elena Zelenskaya (pictured) wrote on Instagram that Russians have been killing Ukrainian children since Putin’s troops invaded Ukraine on February 24.
An 18-month-old boy named Kirill (pictured carried by his father) was fatally wounded in the southern city of Mariupol after Russian troops shelled Ukraine’s second city just minutes after the agreed ceasefire ended on Saturday.
She wrote: “When people in Russia say that their troops do not harm civilians, show them these photos!”
“I have to tell you about it. 38 children have already died in Ukraine.
“And this figure may increase at this very moment due to the shelling of our peaceful cities!
“When people in Russia say that their troops do not harm civilians, show them these photos!”
Devastating footage shows the father of an 18-month-old boy named Kirill fleeing to a hospital in Ukraine with his dying son.
Grieving parents hugged the lifeless body of their son lying on a stretcher in the besieged city after the shelling of the area by Russian troops
The images exposed the barbarism and horror of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as the parents of 18-month-old Kirill mourned their son after the toddler was killed in a Russian shelling attack.
An 18-month-old boy named Kirill was fatally wounded in the southern city of Mariupol after Russian troops shelled Ukraine’s second city just minutes after a ceasefire on Saturday.
Kirill’s devastated mother Marina Yatsko and her boyfriend Fyodor were later seen mourning as they hugged their son’s lifeless body lying on a stretcher in the besieged city.
Last week, during one of the most heartbreaking scenes of the war, the bodies of those killed in a mortar attack were seen lying motionless on the road.
A mother and two children were killed and a father was wounded in a mortar attack in Irpen near Kiev on Sunday as hundreds of civilians fled.
A man who tried to escape with his family lies on the ground after the shelling of the Irpin evacuation point by the Russian army
Suitcases sat next to them, packed in anticipation of what they hoped would be a safe journey. Among the luggage was even a pet carrier.
Three members of the same family were also among those killed in the attack by Vladimir Putin’s forces on Irpin, a city 19 miles from Kyiv.
The horrific footage captures the horrific experiences of mothers, fathers, grandparents and children fleeing Russian artillery fire.
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