Michela Murgia I have stage four cancer I have months.webp

Michela Murgia: “I have stage four cancer, I have months to live” ​​​​L’Unione ​​​​​​L’Unione

“I have stage four cancer and I have months to live.”

This is Michela Murgia’s dramatic revelation during an interview with Aldo Cazzullo published by Corriere della Sera.

The 50-year-old writer from Cabras said she suffers from a kidney cancerfrom which, unfortunately, “there is no turning back”.

«I am being treated with an immunotherapy based on biopharmaceuticals – he adds – which stimulate the immune system response. The goal is not to eradicate evil, it is late, but to gain time».

“Doesn’t death seem like an injustice to you?” the interviewer asks her. And the writer replies: «No. I’m fifty years old, but I’ve lived ten lifetimes. I’ve done things that the vast majority of people don’t do in their entire lives. Things I didn’t know I wanted. I have precious memories.”

Murgia also talks about his latest book “Three Bowls”, which contains a lot of autobiography. And he talks about Sardinia, his country.

«I think in Sardinian and translate into Italian. These are two different Micheles, a Sardinian and an Italian,” she says. And he emphasizes: «Also Italy and Sardinia are two different things. Sardinia is the holiday island for you. You don’t notice that there is a military base every 150 kilometers because they interrupt the shooting so as not to disturb the tourists. The other day I was in the botanical garden in Trastevere. The person who was with me was startled by the bang of the Janiculum Cannon. Not me. We Sardinians are used to the noise of war».

The author also tells how she encountered this moment: «I bought a house with ten beds». A home to stay with what he defines as “mine”. strange family», or «an atypical family core in which relationships count for more than roles».

And then the Marriage. “Are you marrying a man or a woman?” Cazzullo asks. Answer: “A man. But it could also have been a woman. By caring for each other, we never asked gender issues.”

Aren’t you afraid of death? “No – assures Murgia – I only hope to die when Giorgia Meloni is no longer Prime Minister», because «his government is fascist».

Finally, when asked how she would like to be remembered, the author replies: «Remind me at will. I never thought of showing myself differently than I am to please someone. The most important thing for me now is not to die as a fascist».


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