A color blind man eats hallucinogenic mushrooms and can distinguish

A color blind man eats hallucinogenic mushrooms and can distinguish colors

A 35yearold man who had trouble seeing green color variations improved his vision after ingesting psychedelic mushrooms

05/05/2023 19:34, updated 05/05/2023 19:34

A 35yearold color blind man had improved color vision after eating magic mushrooms. The case was reported by American psychiatrists at the Cleveland Clinic and showed that the improvement in the ability to distinguish the color green was intense in the eight days following the substance’s consumption. The improvement lasted for more than 16 days.

The article was published last Tuesday (2/5) in the journal Drug Science, Policy and Law. He revealed that using mushrooms with psilocybin led the man to a 39% improvement in his performance on the Ishihara tests, which identify the ability to distinguish colors.

Color blindness is a visual disability associated with distinguishing colors, specifically the ability to see green and red. The condition affects about 5% of men and 0.5% of women, with varying degrees of severity, according to the Ministry of Health.

excessive problems

However, the study found an obstacle in the patient’s habits. He was only supposed to take 5g of the substance to assess longterm effects, but the man ended up mixing the mushroom with other drugs, making further data collection impossible.

“The improvement in the test could last even longer than the 16 days, but the use of additional substances prevented us from performing this analysis,” the scientists said.

Nevertheless, the man did better in the tests a year and a half after using it than before eating the mushrooms.

However, the researchers caution that using psychedelic mushrooms is not a cure for color blindness, as the effects wear off without the substance and the patient never got a perfect score on the test.

Despite this, they state that it is important to highlight the significant improvement the man has experienced and that future testing can be conducted to determine if use can be generalized and what the ideal amount of the substance is.

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