Lula confirms trip to Japan to attend G7 summit

Lula confirms trip to Japan to attend G7 summit

PT wants to talk about the war and considers the presence of India, Indonesia and Vietnam important for dialogue with Russia

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) this Friday afternoon (May 5, 2023) confirmed his participation in the External Engagement segment of the G7 Summit, which will be held May 2021 in Hiroshima, Japan.

Planalto actually never considered not attending the event, but Lula previously said he didn’t know if he would put pressure on the Japanese government to give him a prominent place at the summit. At the meeting, the head of the executive branch intends to discuss the war in Ukraine and believes that the presence of India, Indonesia and Vietnam is important for negotiating a dialogue with Russia.

According to the Japanese government, in addition to the group that makes up the G7 Germany, Canada, USA, France, Italy, Japan and the UK and Brazil, The following countries were also invited to the meeting:

  • Australia;
  • Comoros;
  • Cook Islands;
  • India;
  • Indonesia;
  • Republic of Korea and
  • Vietnam.

Representatives of the UN (United Nations Organization), IMF (International Monetary Fund), World Bank, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, International Energy Agency, WHO (World Health Organization), World Trade and EU ( European Union).

This will be Lula’s seventh time attending summits, with Brazil being invited in 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009. According to the State Department, the PT’s presence marks Brazil’s “resumption” of engagement with the G7. Issues such as peace and security, health, development, gender issues, climate, energy and the environment need to be discussed.

“Brazil shares values ​​that bring the G7 countries together such as strengthening democracy, economic modernization and protecting the environment and human rights and maintains constant alignment with its members on issues on the international agenda, be it bilateral, whether within the frameworks of the G20 and international organizations in which Brazil and the members of the G7 work together,” the ministry said.