Crozzas monologue Artificial intelligence will soon walk 300 million people

Crozza’s monologue: “Artificial intelligence will soon walk 300 million people…

Crozzas monologue Artificial intelligence will soon walk 300 million people

Fratelli di Crozza, which airs Friday prime time on NOVE and streams on Discovery+, returns with a new monologue Moritz Crozza who stresses how politicians, busy creating videos on social networks to gather consensus on the subject of work, are not worried about a not-too-distant future in which artificial intelligence risks taking the place of human intelligence “Now I’ll show you the list of jobs at risk: cashiers, accountants, photographers, postmen, lawyers, journalists, all replaced by silicon. Is there a court case? So. The artificial intelligence reads all deeds and all judgments in an instant, from King Solomon to today, and writes the judgment in 5 seconds. For example, all Ruby processes: Ruby One, Ruby Bis, and Ruby Ter would have terminated when Ruby was still a minor. Not to mention the end of the staff. Come on, the staff too. They think IBM was born from engineers to build computers and made them so good that today computers kill engineers. 300 million workers gone, and by the way all here in advanced countries. On the contrary, there will be immigration, we will be the ones who will look for work in Burkina Faso. ‘Excuse me, can you let me hack something, please?'”.

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