United States Creates New Immigration Opportunities for Family Reunification Cuban

United States Creates New Immigration Opportunities for Family Reunification Cuban Directory

The United States government is designing an innovative immigration program for the families of people who have received visas because they have a sponsor. The measure would facilitate travel authorization and grant a conditional release. Presidential Advisor Katie Tobin announced that the countries backed by the proposal are Colombia, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. Ms Tobin, who is also director of cross-border affairs at the National Security Council, said the initiative will be expanded to Cuba and Haiti.

The significance of the new provision lies in the fact that foreigners will not wait years to move to the northern nation. Immigrants who have applied for a visa and have no difficulty in being checked by the authorities can allow their dependents to enter North America immediately.

migrant centers

With this policy, President Joe Biden wants to reduce the massive and illegal exodus of Latin Americans to the North. In addition, facilities for the procedures of emigrants are to be set up in Guatemala and Colombia.

This news was released last week by Foreign Minister Antony Blinken and Secretary of National Security Alejandro Mayorkas. They have also helped ensure that the immigrant centers will provide income alternatives to other places such as Canada and Spain.

Refugees or emigrants who have sought asylum are reunited with their relatives, and many are chosen to set foot on North American soil. In the coming weeks, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will announce the features of the strategy it has developed so that interested parties are informed.

Next Thursday, May 11th, the application of Title 42, a law introduced in 2020 to counter the spread of the coronavirus, ends. For this reason, President Biden is evaluating various options to reduce the accumulation of emigrants at the Mexican border. The current government’s decisions provide opportunities for foreign personnel seeking prosperity.